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public function PropertiesBase::pullValue in Salesforce Suite 8.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.0.x modules/salesforce_mapping/src/Plugin/SalesforceMappingField/PropertiesBase.php \Drupal\salesforce_mapping\Plugin\SalesforceMappingField\PropertiesBase::pullValue()

Pull callback for field plugins.

This callback is overloaded to serve 2 different use cases.

  • Use case 1: primitive values If pullValue() returns a primitive value, callers will attempt to set the value directly on the parent entity.
  • Use case 2: typed data If pullValue() returns a TypedDataInterface, callers will assume the implementation has set the appropriate value(s). The returned TypedData will be issued to a SalesforceEvents::PULL_ENTITY_VALUE event, but will otherwise be ignored.


\Drupal\salesforce\SObject $sf_object: The SFObject being pulled.

\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity: The entity being pulled.

\Drupal\salesforce_mapping\Entity\SalesforceMappingInterface $mapping: The mapping.

Return value

\Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataInterface|mixed If a TypedDataInterface is returned, validate constraints and use TypedDataManager to set the value on the root entity. Otherwise, set the value directly via FieldableEntityInterface::set

Overrides SalesforceMappingFieldPluginBase::pullValue


modules/salesforce_mapping/src/Plugin/SalesforceMappingField/PropertiesBase.php, line 112


Base class for properties plugins.




public function pullValue(SObject $sf_object, EntityInterface $entity, SalesforceMappingInterface $mapping) {
  $field_selector = $this
  $pullValue = parent::pullValue($sf_object, $entity, $mapping);
  try {

    // Fetch the TypedData property and set its value.
    $data = $this
      ->getTypedData(), $field_selector);
    return $data;
  } catch (MissingDataException $e) {
  } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {

  // Allow any other exception types to percolate.
  // If the entity doesn't have any value in the field, data fetch will
  // throw an exception. We must attempt to create the field.
  // Typed Data API doesn't provide any good way to initialize a field value
  // given a selector. Instead we have to do it ourselves.
  // We descend only to the first-level fields on the entity. Cascading pull
  // values to entity references is not supported.
  $parts = explode('.', $field_selector, 4);
  switch (count($parts)) {
    case 1:
        ->set($field_selector, $pullValue);
      return $entity
    case 2:
      $field_name = $parts[0];
      $delta = 0;
      $property = $parts[1];
    case 3:
      $field_name = $parts[0];
      $delta = $parts[1];
      $property = $parts[2];
      if (!is_numeric($delta)) {
    case 4:

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\TypedData\ListInterface $list_data */
  $list_data = $entity

  // If the given delta has not been initialized, initialize it.
  if (!$list_data
    ->get($delta) instanceof TypedDataInterface) {
      ->set($delta, []);

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataInterface|\Drupal\Core\TypedData\ComplexDataInterface $typed_data */
  $typed_data = $list_data
  if ($typed_data instanceof ComplexDataInterface && $property) {

    // If the given property has not been initialized, initialize it.
    if (!$typed_data
      ->get($property) instanceof TypedDataInterface) {
        ->set($property, []);

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataInterface $typed_data */
    $typed_data = $typed_data
  if (!$typed_data instanceof TypedDataInterface) {
  return $typed_data