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public function S3fsTest::testStreamWrapperCoverage in S3 File System 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4.0.x tests/src/Functional/S3fsTest.php \Drupal\Tests\s3fs\Functional\S3fsTest::testStreamWrapperCoverage()

Coverage test for the stream wrapper.


tests/src/Functional/S3fsTest.php, line 31


S3 File System Tests.




public function testStreamWrapperCoverage() {
  $test_uri1 = "{$this->remoteTestsFolderUri}/test_file1.txt";
  $test_uri2 = "{$this->remoteTestsFolderUri}/test_file2.txt";
    ->isValidScheme('s3'), '"s3" is a valid stream wrapper scheme.');
    ->getClass('s3'), 'Drupal\\s3fs\\StreamWrapper\\S3fsStream', 'URIs with scheme "s3" should be handled by S3fsStream.');

  // The test.txt file contains enough data to force multiple calls
  // to write_stream().
  $file_contents = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../fixtures/test.txt');
    ->mkdir($this->remoteTestsFolderUri), 'Exercised mkdir to create the testing directory (in the DB).');
    ->assertTrue(is_dir($this->remoteTestsFolderUri), 'Make sure the folder we just created correctly reports that it is a folder.');
    ->verbose("Exercising file upload functionality.");
  $start_time = time();
  $s3_file1 = file_save_data($file_contents, $test_uri1);
  $end_time = time();
  $total = $end_time - $start_time;
    ->verbose("Upload time: {$total} seconds");
    ->getFileUri()), "Uploaded the first test file, {$test_uri1}.");
    ->verbose("Exercising file copy functionality.");
  $s3_file2 = file_copy($s3_file1, $test_uri2);
    ->assertNotIdentical($s3_file2, FALSE, "Copied the the first test file to {$test_uri2}.");
    ->verbose('Exercising the dir_*() functions.');
  $files = \Drupal::service('file_system')
    ->scanDirectory($this->remoteTestsFolderUri, '#.*#');
    ->assertTrue(isset($files[$test_uri1]), 'The first test file is in the tests directory.');
    ->assertTrue(isset($files[$test_uri2]), 'The second test file is in the tests directory.');
    ->assertEqual(count($files), 2, "There are exactly two files in the tests directory.");
    ->verbose('Exercising getExternalUrl().');
  $url = file_create_url($test_uri1);
    ->assertNotIdentical($url, FALSE, 'file_create_url() succeeded.');
    ->verbose('Exercising unlink().');
    ->assertIdentical(self::fileDelete($s3_file1), TRUE, "Deleted the first test file.");
    ->assertIdentical(file_exists($test_uri1), FALSE, 'The wrapper reports that the first test file no longer exists.');
    ->verbose('Exercising rename().');
    ->assertTrue(rename($test_uri2, $test_uri1), "Renamed the second test file to the newly-vacated URI of {$test_uri1}.");

  // Rename a 'directory' should fail.
  $dir_move_test_src = $this->remoteTestsFolderUri . '/directoryToBeMoved';
  $dir_move_test_dest = $this->remoteTestsFolderUri . '/destinationDirectory';
    ->mkdir($dir_move_test_src), 'Created testing directory to attempt move.');
    ->assertNotFalse(file_put_contents($dir_move_test_src . '/test.file', 'test'), "Created file in directory that will be moved.");
    ->assertFalse(rename($dir_move_test_src, $dir_move_test_dest), 'Should not be able to move a directory.');
    ->assertFalse(is_file($dir_move_test_dest . '/test.file'), 'Test file should not exist as directory moves are not supported.');
    ->assertTrue(unlink($dir_move_test_src . '/test.file'), "Deleted the test move file.");
    ->verbose('Exercising rmdir().');
    ->rmdir($this->remoteTestsFolderUri), 'rmdir() did not delete the tests folder because it is not empty.');
    ->rmdir($dir_move_test_src), "Delete the move test directory");
    ->assertTrue(self::fileDelete($s3_file2), 'Deleted the last test file.');
    ->rmdir($this->remoteTestsFolderUri), 'Deleted the tests folder.');
    ->assertFalse(is_dir($this->remoteTestsFolderUri), 'The wrapper reports that the tests folder is gone.');
    ->verbose('Testing max filename limits');

  // 250 characters + 's3://' = 255 characters max limit.
  $sourceMaxString = 'C9Xa0jcb8RqTvu5KKSjziAmiRHJJDsbIdZTSt345KkJJRAhkfJk8OddTyBgps5u6RAEwkQ6WKfnSd2jQKQAm5BmcYVSMMtkUcSJo5TsvCgS4s5UrVEXPKcLqsP4JQuEAMDbIrqCD0WXuTDAUCF38oQvyaXplxwSwgjBavS4XkeYCqUjMXBSWtUeDLbiLkzfMFUHa1QcHciy318id75KOuSvMC4x2z1177Ht90zR4PNvTDvE7smPNEOL8Y';
  $uriMaxLength = 255;

  // 245 Character long string to work with on future tests.
  $baseLongDir = "{$this->remoteTestsFolderUri}/" . substr($sourceMaxString, 0, $uriMaxLength - strlen($this->remoteTestsFolderUri) - 11);
    ->assertEquals($uriMaxLength - 10, strlen($baseLongDir));

  // Max length mkdir().
  // 256 characters long the last / is stripped making 255 limit safe.
  $pathDirMaxLength = "{$baseLongDir}/dir/12345/";
    ->mkdir($pathDirMaxLength), 'Creating max path length directory');
    ->assertTrue(is_dir($pathDirMaxLength), 'Verify max path length directory exists');

  // 257 characters long the last / is stripped making 256 exceeding limit.
  $pathDirExceedMaxLength = "{$baseLongDir}/dir/123456/";
    ->mkdir($pathDirExceedMaxLength), 'Creating directory that exceeds path length limit');
    ->assertFalse(is_dir($pathDirExceedMaxLength), 'Verify directory that exceeds max path length doesnt exist');

  // Max length stream_open().
  $pathFileMaxLength = "{$baseLongDir}/78901.txt";
  $pathFileExceedMaxLength = "{$baseLongDir}/789012.txt";
    ->assertNotFalse(file_put_contents($pathFileMaxLength, $file_contents), 'Creating max path length filename');
    ->assertTrue(is_file($pathFileMaxLength), 'Verify max path length file exists');
    ->assertFalse(@file_put_contents($pathFileExceedMaxLength, $file_contents), 'Creating file exceeds max path length');
    ->assertFalse(is_file($pathFileExceedMaxLength), 'File that exceeds max path length doesnt exist');

  // Max length rename().
  $pathFileRenameMaxLength = "{$baseLongDir}/78901.ace";
    ->assertTrue(rename($pathFileMaxLength, $pathFileRenameMaxLength), 'Rename file to max path length');
    ->assertFalse(rename($pathFileRenameMaxLength, $pathFileExceedMaxLength), 'Rename file to exceed max path length');

  // Set config and flush static to test cache-control header.
    ->set('cache_control_header', 'public, max-age=300')

  // Verify header exists on new files.
  $headerPutUri = 's3://' . $this
  file_put_contents($headerPutUri, $file_contents);
  $url = file_create_url($headerPutUri);
    ->responseHeaderEquals('cache-control', 'public, max-age=300');

  // Make sure the header exists and age changes on copy().
    ->set('cache_control_header', 'public, max-age=301')
  $headerCopyUri = 's3://' . $this
  copy($headerPutUri, $headerCopyUri);
  $url = file_create_url($headerCopyUri);
    ->responseHeaderEquals('cache-control', 'public, max-age=301');