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S3fsDrushTest.php in S3 File System 8.3

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  1. 4.0.x tests/src/Functional/S3fsDrushTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\s3fs\Functional;

use Drush\TestTraits\DrushTestTrait;

 * S3 File System Tests.
 * Ensure that the remote file system functionality provided by S3 File System
 * works correctly.
 * The AWS credentials must be configured in prepareConfig() because
 * settings.php, which does not get executed during a BrowserTestBase.
 * @group s3fs
class S3fsDrushTest extends S3fsTestBase {
  use DrushTestTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {
    $file_contents = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../fixtures/test.txt');
    $test_uri1 = "public://drush/test_file1.txt";
    $test_uri2 = "public://drush/test_file2.txt";
    $test_uri3 = "private://drush/test_private_file1.txt";
    $test_uri4 = "private://drush/test_private_file2.txt";
    file_save_data($file_contents, $test_uri1);
    file_save_data($file_contents, $test_uri2);
    file_save_data($file_contents, $test_uri3);
    file_save_data($file_contents, $test_uri4);

   * Coverage test for the drush refresh-cache.
  public function testDrushRefreshCache() {
    $messages = $this
      ->assertStringContainsString('Message: The cached list of files has been refreshed in', $messages, 'Successfully Refreshed Cache');

   * Coverage test for the drush s3fs:copy-local --scheme=public.
  public function testDrushCopyLocalPublicOnly() {
      ->drush('s3fs:copy-local', [], [
      'scheme' => 'public',
    $messages = $this
      ->assertStringContainsString('[notice] You are going to copy public scheme(s).', $messages, 'Successfully Refreshed Cache');
      ->assertStringContainsString('Including public scheme', $messages, "Uploading public as part of all");
      ->assertStringContainsString('Message: Copied local /public/ files to S3', $messages, "Uploading public as part of all");
    $records = $this->connection
      ->select('s3fs_file', 's')
      ->condition('dir', 0, '=')
      ->condition('uri', '%' . $this->connection
      ->escapeLike('/drush/') . '%', 'LIKE')
      ->assertEquals(2, count($records));

   * Coverage test for the drush s3fs:copy-local --scheme=private.
  public function testDrushCopyLocalPrivateOnly() {
      ->drush('s3fs:copy-local', [], [
      'scheme' => 'private',
    $messages = $this
      ->assertStringContainsString('[notice] You are going to copy private scheme(s).', $messages, 'Successfully Refreshed Cache');
      ->assertStringContainsString('Including private scheme', $messages, "Uploading public as part of all");
      ->assertStringContainsString('Message: Copied local /private/ files to S3', $messages, "Uploading public as part of all");
    $records = $this->connection
      ->select('s3fs_file', 's')
      ->condition('dir', 0, '=')
      ->condition('uri', '%' . $this->connection
      ->escapeLike('/drush/') . '%', 'LIKE')
      ->assertEquals(2, count($records));

   * Coverage test for the drush s3fs:copy-local --scheme=all.
  public function testDrushCopyLocalBoth() {

    // $this->markTestSkipped('Drush is currently stalling on this');
    $messages = $this
      ->assertStringContainsString('[notice] You are going to copy all scheme(s).', $messages, 'Including all schemes');
      ->assertStringContainsString('Including public scheme', $messages, "Including public as part of all");
      ->assertStringContainsString('Including private scheme', $messages, "Including private as part of all");
      ->assertStringContainsString('Message: Copied local /public/ files to S3', $messages, "Uploaded public as part of all");
      ->assertStringContainsString('Message: Copied local /private/ files to S3', $messages, "Uploaded private as part of all");
    $records = $this->connection
      ->select('s3fs_file', 's')
      ->condition('dir', 0, '=')
      ->condition('uri', '%' . $this->connection
      ->escapeLike('/drush/') . '%', 'LIKE')
      ->assertEquals(4, count($records));

   * Test drush s3fs:copy-local --scheme=public --condition=newer.
  public function testDrushCopyLocalNewerFilesOnly() {
    touch('public://drush/test_file1.txt', '1400000000');
    $values = [
        'uri' => 'public://drush/test_file1.txt',
        'filesize' => '18750',
        'timestamp' => date('U', 1500000000),
        'dir' => '0',
        'version' => '',
        'uri' => 'public://drush/test_file2.txt',
        'filesize' => '18750',
        'timestamp' => date('U', 1500000000),
        'dir' => '0',
        'version' => '',
    $query = $this->connection
    foreach ($values as $record) {
      ->drush('s3fs:copy-local', [], [
      'scheme' => 'public',
      'condition' => 'newer',
    $records = $this->connection
      ->select('s3fs_file', 's')
      ->fields('s', [
      ->condition('dir', 0, '=')
      ->condition('uri', '%' . $this->connection
      ->escapeLike('/drush/') . '%', 'LIKE')
      ->fetchAllAssoc('uri', \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
      ->assertEquals('1500000000', $records['public://drush/test_file1.txt']['timestamp']);
      ->assertGreaterThan('1500000000', $records['public://drush/test_file2.txt']['timestamp']);

   * Test drush s3fs:copy-local --scheme=public --condition=size.
  public function testDrushCopyLocalSizeDiffersOnly() {
    touch('public://drush/test_file1.txt', '1400000000');
    $values = [
        'uri' => 'public://drush/test_file1.txt',
        'filesize' => '18750',
        'timestamp' => date('U', 1500000000),
        'dir' => '0',
        'version' => '',
        'uri' => 'public://drush/test_file2.txt',
        'filesize' => '10',
        'timestamp' => date('U', 1500000000),
        'dir' => '0',
        'version' => '',
    $query = $this->connection
    foreach ($values as $record) {
      ->drush('s3fs:copy-local', [], [
      'scheme' => 'public',
      'condition' => 'size',
    $records = $this->connection
      ->select('s3fs_file', 's')
      ->fields('s', [
      ->condition('dir', 0, '=')
      ->condition('uri', '%' . $this->connection
      ->escapeLike('/drush/') . '%', 'LIKE')
      ->fetchAllAssoc('uri', \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
      ->assertEquals('1500000000', $records['public://drush/test_file1.txt']['timestamp']);
      ->assertEquals('18750', $records['public://drush/test_file2.txt']['filesize']);
      ->assertGreaterThan('1500000000', $records['public://drush/test_file2.txt']['timestamp']);



Namesort descending Description
S3fsDrushTest S3 File System Tests.