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public function S3fsService::getAmazonS3Client in S3 File System 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4.0.x src/S3fsService.php \Drupal\s3fs\S3fsService::getAmazonS3Client()

Sets up the S3Client object. For performance reasons, only one S3Client object will ever be created within a single request.


array $config: Array of configuration settings from which to configure the client.

Return value

\Aws\S3\S3Client The fully-configured S3Client object.


\Drupal\s3fs\S3fsException The S3fs Exception.

Overrides S3fsServiceInterface::getAmazonS3Client

2 calls to S3fsService::getAmazonS3Client()
S3fsService::refreshCache in src/S3fsService.php
Refreshes the metadata cache.
S3fsService::validate in src/S3fsService.php
Validate the S3fs config.


src/S3fsService.php, line 254


Defines a S3fsService service.




public function getAmazonS3Client(array $config) {
  $s3 =& drupal_static(__METHOD__ . '_S3Client');
  $static_config =& drupal_static(__METHOD__ . '_static_config');

  // If the client hasn't been set up yet, or the config given to this call is
  // different from the previous call, (re)build the client.
  if (!isset($s3) || $static_config != $config) {
    $client_config = [];
    $access_key = Settings::get('s3fs.access_key', '');
    $secret_key = Settings::get('s3fs.secret_key', '');
    $noKeyInSettings = empty($access_key) || empty($secret_key);
    if ($noKeyInSettings && $this->moduleHandler
      ->moduleExists('key')) {
      if (!$access_key && !empty($config['keymodule']['access_key_name'])) {
        $key = \Drupal::service('key.repository')
        $key_value = $key
        if (!empty($key_value)) {
          $access_key = $key_value;
      if (!$secret_key && !empty($config['keymodule']['secret_key_name'])) {
        $key = \Drupal::service('key.repository')
        $key_value = $key
        if (!empty($key_value)) {
          $secret_key = $key_value;
    if (!empty($access_key) && !empty($secret_key)) {
      $client_config['credentials'] = [
        'key' => $access_key,
        'secret' => $secret_key,
    else {

      // Use the defaultProvider to get all paths in home, env, etc.
      $provider = CredentialProvider::defaultProvider();

      // Use a custom ini file before defaultProvider.
      if (!empty($config['credentials_file'])) {
        $iniProvider = CredentialProvider::ini(NULL, $config['credentials_file']);
        $provider = CredentialProvider::chain($iniProvider, $provider);

      // Cache the results in a memoize function to avoid loading and parsing
      // the ini file on every API operation.
      $provider = CredentialProvider::memoize($provider);

      // Allow SDK to cache results of calls to metadata servers.
      $doctrineInstalled = class_exists('\\Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\FilesystemCache');
      if (!empty($config['use_credentials_cache']) && !empty($config['credentials_cache_dir']) && $doctrineInstalled) {
        $cache = new DoctrineCacheAdapter(new FilesystemCache($config['credentials_cache_dir'] . '/s3fscache', '.doctrine.cache', 017));
        $provider = CredentialProvider::cache($provider, $cache);
      $client_config['credentials'] = $provider;
    if (!empty($config['region'])) {
      $client_config['region'] = $config['region'];

      // Signature v4 is only required in the Beijing and Frankfurt regions.
      // Also, setting it will throw an exception if a region hasn't been set.
      $client_config['signature'] = 'v4';
    if (!empty($config['use_customhost']) && !empty($config['hostname'])) {
      if (preg_match('#http(s)?://#i', $config['hostname']) === 1) {
        $client_config['endpoint'] = $config['hostname'];
      else {

        // Fallback for before we required hostname to include protocol.
        $client_config['endpoint'] = ($config['use_https'] ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $config['hostname'];

    // Use path-style endpoint, if selected.
    if (!empty($config['use_path_style_endpoint'])) {
      $client_config['use_path_style_endpoint'] = TRUE;
    $client_config['version'] = S3fsStream::API_VERSION;

    // Disable SSL/TLS verification.
    if (!empty($config['disable_cert_verify'])) {
      $client_config['http']['verify'] = FALSE;

    // Set use_aws_shared_config_files = false to avoid reading ~/.aws/config.
    // If open_basedir restriction is in effect an exception may be thrown
    // without this enabled.
    if (!empty($config['disable_shared_config_files'])) {
      $client_config['use_aws_shared_config_files'] = FALSE;

    // Create the Aws\S3\S3Client object.
    $s3 = new S3Client($client_config);
    $static_config = $config;
  return $s3;