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s3fs.install in S3 File System 4.0.x

Install, update and uninstall functions for the S3 File System module.


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 * @file
 * Install, update and uninstall functions for the S3 File System module.
use Drupal\Core\Database\SchemaObjectDoesNotExistException;
use Drupal\Core\Database\SchemaObjectExistsException;
use Drupal\Core\Site\Settings;
use Drupal\Core\Url;

 * Implements hook_requirements().
function s3fs_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = [];
  if ($phase == 'install') {
    if (!class_exists('\\Aws\\S3\\S3Client')) {
      $requirements['aws_library'] = [
        'description' => t('S3fs require AWS library.'),
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
  if ($phase == 'runtime') {
    $config = \Drupal::config('s3fs.settings');
    $credentials_file = $config
    $useForPublic = Settings::get('s3fs.use_s3_for_public');
    $useForPrivate = Settings::get('s3fs.use_s3_for_private');
    if (!empty($credentials_file) && !is_file($credentials_file) && !is_readable($credentials_file)) {
      $requirements['s3fs'] = [
        'title' => t('S3 File System'),
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_WARNING,
        'description' => t('S3 File System unable to read credentials file @file. Please verify
          your settings on the <a href=":settings">S3 File System module
          settings page</a>.', [
          '@file' => $credentials_file,
          ':settings' => Url::fromRoute('s3fs.admin_settings')
    $streamWrapperManager = \Drupal::service('stream_wrapper_manager');
    $requirements['s3fs_public_takeover'] = [
      'title' => t('S3FS public:// Takeover'),
    if ($useForPublic) {
      if (is_subclass_of($streamWrapperManager
        ->getClass('public'), 'Drupal\\s3fs\\StreamWrapper\\S3fsStream')) {
        $requirements['s3fs_public_takeover']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK;
        $requirements['s3fs_public_takeover']['value'] = t('Enabled');
        $requirements['s3fs_public_takeover']['description'] = t('S3FS is processing public:// file requests.');
      else {
        $requirements['s3fs_public_takeover']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
        $requirements['s3fs_public_takeover']['value'] = t('Error');
        $requirements['s3fs_public_takeover']['description'] = t('S3FS is configured to handle public:// files but is not currently
          processing public:// requests. The most common cause for this
          is failing to clear the Drupal Container Cache after enabling
          public:// file handling. Please verify no other services are
          attempting to handle public:// files and then rebuild the
          Container Cache.');
    else {
      $requirements['s3fs_public_takeover']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK;
      $requirements['s3fs_public_takeover']['value'] = t('Disabled');
      $requirements['s3fs_public_takeover']['description'] = t('S3FS takeover of public:// files is disabled.');
    $requirements['s3fs_private_takeover'] = [
      'title' => t('S3FS private:// Takeover'),
    if ($useForPrivate) {
      if (is_subclass_of($streamWrapperManager
        ->getClass('private'), 'Drupal\\s3fs\\StreamWrapper\\S3fsStream')) {
        $requirements['s3fs_private_takeover']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK;
        $requirements['s3fs_private_takeover']['value'] = t('Enabled');
        $requirements['s3fs_private_takeover']['description'] = t('S3FS is processing private:// file requests.');
      else {
        $requirements['s3fs_private_takeover']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
        $requirements['s3fs_private_takeover']['value'] = t('Error');
        $requirements['s3fs_private_takeover']['description'] = t('S3FS is configured to handle private:// files but is not currently
          processing private:// requests. The most common causes for this
          are failing to clear the Drupal Container Cache after enabling
          private:// file handling, or failing to fully configure Drupal\'s
          built in private:// file handler first. Please verify
          $settings[\'file_private_path\'] is configured and exists then
          rebuild the Drupal Container Cache.');
    else {
      $requirements['s3fs_private_takeover']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK;
      $requirements['s3fs_private_takeover']['value'] = t('Disabled');
      $requirements['s3fs_private_takeover']['description'] = t('S3FS intercept of private:// files is disabled.');
    if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
      $requirements['s3fs_allow_url_fopen'] = [
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_OK,
        'title' => t('allow_url_fopen'),
        'value' => t('Enabled'),
    else {
      $requirements['s3fs_allow_url_fopen'] = [
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
        'title' => t('allow_url_fopen'),
        'value' => t('Disabled'),
        'description' => t('The S3 File System module requires that the allow_url_fopen setting be turned on in php.ini.'),
    if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 8) {
      $requirements['s3fs_int64'] = [
        'title' => t('PHP architecture'),
        'value' => t('64-bit'),
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_OK,
    else {
      $requirements['s3fs_int64'] = [
        'title' => t('PHP architecture'),
        'value' => t('32-bit'),
        'description' => t('A 64-bit PHP installation is required in order to support files larger than 2GB.'),
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_WARNING,
  return $requirements;

 * Implements hook_schema().
function s3fs_schema() {
  $schema = [];
  $schema['s3fs_file'] = [
    'description' => 'Stores metadata about files in S3.',
    'fields' => [
      'uri' => [
        'description' => 'The S3 URI of the file.',
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 255,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => '',
      'filesize' => [
        'description' => 'The size of the file in bytes.',
        'type' => 'int',
        'size' => 'big',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
      'timestamp' => [
        'description' => 'UNIX timestamp for when the file was added.',
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
      'dir' => [
        'description' => 'Boolean indicating whether or not this object is a directory.',
        'type' => 'int',
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => 0,
      'version' => [
        'description' => 'The S3 VersionId of the object.',
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 255,
        'not null' => FALSE,
        'default' => '',
    'indexes' => [
      'timestamp' => [
    // 'primary key' => ['uri'],
    // As mentioned on, a bug in Drupal core's
    // MySQL driver prevents this setting from actually being applied. So we
    // manually fix that in hook_install().
    'collation' => 'utf8_bin',
  return $schema;

 * Implements hook_install().
function s3fs_install() {

 * Fix s3fs file table indexes.
 * Because hook_schema() doesn't respect the 'collation' setting, we have to
 * set the collation manually. This hook is run after the table is created.
 * Also adds s3:// to the core file module's list of public schema.
 * See for more info.
 * @param string $table
 *   Allowed values: s3fs_file | s3fs_file_temp.
function s3fs_fix_table_indexes($table = 's3fs_file') {

  // We can't use query placeholders for table names in
  // \Drupal::database()->query(), so we only allow certain tables.
  $allowed_tables = [
  if (in_array($table, $allowed_tables)) {
    $options = \Drupal::database()
    switch ($options['driver']) {
      case 'pgsql':

        // Postgres uses binary collation by default.
      case 'sqlite':

        // SQLite uses binary collation by default.
      case 'mysql':

        // As stated here:
        // MySQL doesn't directly support case sensitive UTF8 collation.
        // Fortunately, 'utf8_bin' collation works for our purposes.
          ->query('ALTER TABLE {' . $table . '} CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin');
      ->addPrimaryKey($table, [

 * Set new config property "redirect_styles_ttl" to default value.
function s3fs_update_8301() {
    ->set('redirect_styles_ttl', 0)

 * Fix s3fs_file table indexes.
function s3fs_update_8302() {
  try {
  } catch (SchemaObjectExistsException $exception) {
      ->addStatus('"uri" primary key already exists in s3fs_file table.');

 * Alter db version field to varchar(255).
function s3fs_update_8303() {
  $newField = [
    'description' => 'The S3 VersionId of the object.',
    'type' => 'varchar',
    'length' => 255,
    'not null' => FALSE,
    'default' => '',
  $connection = \Drupal::database();
  try {
  } catch (SchemaObjectDoesNotExistException $e) {

    // It is ok that the table does not exist.
    ->changeField('s3fs_file', 'version', 'version', $newField);


Namesort descending Description
s3fs_fix_table_indexes Fix s3fs file table indexes.
s3fs_install Implements hook_install().
s3fs_requirements Implements hook_requirements().
s3fs_schema Implements hook_schema().
s3fs_update_8301 Set new config property "redirect_styles_ttl" to default value.
s3fs_update_8302 Fix s3fs_file table indexes.
s3fs_update_8303 Alter db version field to varchar(255).