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namespace Drupal\s3fs\Batch in S3 File System 8.3

Same name in other branches
  1. 4.0.x Drupal\s3fs\Batch
Classsort descending Location Description
S3fsFileMigrationBatch src/Batch/S3fsFileMigrationBatch.php Batch migrate files to a S3 bucket.
S3fsFileMigrationBatchInterface src/Batch/S3fsFileMigrationBatchInterface.php Interface for SFS3fsFileMigrationBatch.
S3fsRefreshCacheBatch src/Batch/S3fsRefreshCacheBatch.php Performs a refresh of the s3fs_file table with data from S3 bucket.
S3fsRefreshCacheBatchInterface src/Batch/S3fsRefreshCacheBatchInterface.php Performs a refresh of the s3fs_file table with data from S3 bucket.