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40 calls to S3fsStreamWrapper::_debug() in S3 File System 7.2

S3fsStreamWrapper::chmod in ./
This wrapper doesn't support file permissions.
S3fsStreamWrapper::dirname in ./
Gets the name of the parent directory of a given path.
S3fsStreamWrapper::dir_closedir in ./
Support for closedir().
S3fsStreamWrapper::dir_opendir in ./
Support for opendir().
S3fsStreamWrapper::dir_readdir in ./
Support for readdir().
S3fsStreamWrapper::dir_rewinddir in ./
Support for rewinddir().
S3fsStreamWrapper::getDirectoryPath in ./
Gets the path that the wrapper is responsible for.
S3fsStreamWrapper::getExternalUrl in ./
Returns a web accessible URL for the resource.
S3fsStreamWrapper::getMimeType in ./
Static function to determine a file's media type.
S3fsStreamWrapper::getUri in ./
Returns the stream resource URI, which looks like "<scheme>://filepath".
S3fsStreamWrapper::mkdir in ./
Support for mkdir().
S3fsStreamWrapper::realpath in ./
This wrapper does not support realpath().
S3fsStreamWrapper::rename in ./
Support for rename().
S3fsStreamWrapper::rmdir in ./
Support for rmdir().
S3fsStreamWrapper::setUri in ./
Sets the stream resource URI. URIs are formatted as "<scheme>://filepath".
S3fsStreamWrapper::stream_cast in ./
Cast the stream to return the underlying file resource
S3fsStreamWrapper::stream_close in ./
Support for fclose().
S3fsStreamWrapper::stream_eof in ./
Support for feof().
S3fsStreamWrapper::stream_flush in ./
Support for fflush(). Flush current cached stream data to a file in S3.
S3fsStreamWrapper::stream_lock in ./
This wrapper does not support flock().
S3fsStreamWrapper::stream_metadata in ./
This wrapper does not support touch(), chmod(), chown(), or chgrp().
S3fsStreamWrapper::stream_open in ./
Support for fopen(), file_get_contents(), file_put_contents() etc.
S3fsStreamWrapper::stream_read in ./
Support for fread(), file_get_contents() etc.
S3fsStreamWrapper::stream_seek in ./
Support for fseek().
S3fsStreamWrapper::stream_stat in ./
Support for fstat().
S3fsStreamWrapper::stream_tell in ./
Support for ftell().
S3fsStreamWrapper::stream_write in ./
Support for fwrite(), file_put_contents() etc.
S3fsStreamWrapper::unlink in ./
Support for unlink().
S3fsStreamWrapper::url_stat in ./
Support for stat().
S3fsStreamWrapper::_delete_cache in ./
Delete an object's metadata from the cache.
S3fsStreamWrapper::_get_metadata_from_s3 in ./
Returns the converted metadata for an object in S3.
S3fsStreamWrapper::_get_signed_request in ./
Serialize and sign a command, returning a request object.
S3fsStreamWrapper::_open_append_stream in ./
Initialize the stream wrapper for an append stream.
S3fsStreamWrapper::_open_read_stream in ./
Initialize the stream wrapper for a read only stream.
S3fsStreamWrapper::_open_write_stream in ./
Initialize the stream wrapper for a write only stream.
S3fsStreamWrapper::_read_cache in ./
Fetch an object from the file metadata cache table.
S3fsStreamWrapper::_s3fs_get_object in ./
Try to fetch an object from the metadata cache.
S3fsStreamWrapper::_stat in ./
Get the status of the file with the specified URI.
S3fsStreamWrapper::_write_cache in ./
Write an object's (and its ancestor folders') metadata to the cache.
S3fsStreamWrapper::__construct in ./
Stream wrapper constructor.