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rules_forms.css in Rules Forms Support 7

Styles for Rules forms support module.


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  1. /**
  2. * @file
  3. * Styles for Rules forms support module.
  4. */
  5. a.rules-forms-inspection-link {
  6. display: inline-block;
  7. background: transparent url(/misc/help.png) left bottom no-repeat;
  8. background-size: 14px 14px;
  9. margin: 0 4px;
  10. width: 16px;
  11. height: 16px;
  12. position: relative;
  13. top: 2px;
  14. }
  15. a.rules-forms-inspection-link:hover + div.rules-forms-element-inspection {
  16. display: block;
  17. }
  18. a.rules-forms-inspection-link:focus + div.rules-forms-element-inspection {
  19. display: block;
  20. }
  21. div.rules-forms-element-inspection {
  22. display: none;
  23. position: absolute;
  24. z-index: 50;
  25. padding: 6px;
  26. background: white;
  27. border: 1px solid #bebfb9;
  28. font-size: .9em;
  29. font-weight: normal;
  30. -moz-box-shadow: 2px 10px 10px #999; /* FF1+ */
  31. -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 10px 10px #999; /* Saf3-4 */
  32. box-shadow: 2px 10px 10px #999; /* Opera 10.5, IE9, Saf5, Chrome */
  33. -moz-border-radius: 6px; /* FF1+ */
  34. -webkit-border-radius: 6px; /* Saf3-4 */
  35. border-radius: 6px; /* Opera 10.5, IE9, Saf5, Chrome */
  36. margin-top: -2px; /* Positions the box closer to the help icon */
  37. }
  38. div.rules-forms-element-inspection:hover {
  39. display: block;
  40. }
  41. div.rules-forms-element-inspection span.rules-forms-element-label h3 {
  42. font-weight: bold;
  43. padding-left: 2px;
  44. }
  45. div.rules-forms-element-inspection table {
  46. margin-top: 6px;
  47. }
  48. div.rules-forms-element-inspection table td.rules-forms-element-type {
  49. vertical-align: top;
  50. }
  51. div.rules-forms-element-inspection table td.rules-forms-element-value {
  52. font-style: italic;
  53. }
  54. div.rules-forms-element-inspection ul {
  55. list-style-type: circle;
  56. margin: 0 0 0 14px;
  57. }
  58. span.rules-forms-info-help {
  59. font-size: .8em;
  60. }