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Evaluation functions for Rules Forms module.


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 * @file
 * Evaluation functions for Rules Forms module.

 * Condition: Check a form element value.
 * @param mixed $form
 *   A reference to the form array of the form for which the event
 *   was triggered.
 * @param mixed $form_state
 *   A reference to the form state array of the form for which the
 *   event was triggered.
 * @param string $value
 *   The value to be compared against the actual form value to determine
 *   whether the condition is met.
 * @param bool $regex
 *   A boolean indicating whether this comparison should be performed
 *   using $value as a regular expression.
 * @return bool
 *   Indicates whether the element's value matches $value.
function rules_forms_condition_element_value($form, $form_state, $element, $value, $regex) {
  $form_element =& _rules_forms_get_element($form, $element);
  list(, $element_name) = explode(':', $element);
  $element_value = NULL;

  // Check the #value if it exists, then #default_value, or return FALSE.
  $attribute = isset($form_element['#value']) ? '#value' : '#default_value';
  if (!isset($form_element[$attribute])) {

    // If the #value property is not set, check the form state.
    if (isset($form_state['values']) && isset($form_state['values'][$element_name])) {
      $element_value = $form_state['values'][$element_name];

      // If the element is a field, then its form_state value
      // will be in the format [language][delta][key].
      while (is_array($element_value) && count($element_value) == 1) {
        $element_value = reset($element_value);
  else {
    $element_value = $form_element[$attribute];
  if (!isset($element_value)) {
    return FALSE;

  // Perform the comparison with a regular expression if necessary.
  if ($regex) {

    // Allow multiple regular expressions to be run, one on each line.
    // Return FALSE immediately if an expression fails.
    $lines = explode("\r\n", $value);
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
      $result = preg_match($line, $element_value) == 1;
      if ($result === FALSE) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

  // Multiple values come in as array.
  if (is_array($element_value)) {
    $lines = explode("\r\n", $value);
    return rules_forms_equal_array_values($lines, $element_value);
  return $element_value == $value;

 * Condition: Form element value has changed.
 * @param mixed $form
 *   A reference to the form array of the form for which the event
 *   was triggered.
 * @param mixed $form_state
 *   A reference to the form state array of the form for which the
 *   event was triggered.
 * @param string $element
 *   The element ID of the element being checked in the form of
 *   element_type:element_id.
 * @return bool
 *   Indicates whether the element's value has changed since the
 *   form was built.
function rules_forms_condition_element_changed($form, $form_state, $element) {
  if (isset($form_state['rules_forms']['form_values'])) {

    // Get the build form values and the element name being validated.
    list(, $element_name) = explode(':', $element);
    $build_values = $form_state['rules_forms']['form_values'];

    // Ensure that form values are set.
    // This will prevent the condition from being evaluated during build.
    if (isset($form_state['values']) && isset($form_state['values'][$element_name])) {
      $element_value = $form_state['values'][$element_name];
      if (isset($build_values[$element])) {
        while (is_array($element_value) && count($element_value) == 1) {
          $element_value = reset($element_value);
        return $build_values[$element] !== $element_value;
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Condition: Form button was clicked.
 * @param mixed $form
 *   A reference to the form array of the form for which the event
 *   was triggered.
 * @param mixed $form_state
 *   A reference to the form state array of the form for which the
 *   event was triggered.
 * @param string $element
 *   The element ID of the element being checked in the form of
 *   element_type:element_id.
 * @return bool
 *   Indicates whether the indicated button was clicked.
function rules_forms_condition_button_clicked($form, $form_state, $element) {
  if (isset($form_state['triggering_element'])) {
    $button = $form_state['triggering_element'];
    $form_element = _rules_forms_get_element($form, $element);
    if (isset($form_element['#name']) && isset($button['#name'])) {
      return $form_element['#name'] === $button['#name'];
    elseif (isset($form_element['#value']) && isset($button['#value'])) {
      return $form_element['#value'] === $button['#value'];
  return FALSE;

 * Condition: Checks if the element is empty.
 * @param mixed $form
 *   A reference to the form array of the form for which the event
 *   was triggered.
 * @param mixed $form_state
 *   A reference to the form state array of the form for which the
 *   event was triggered.
 * @param string $element
 *   The element ID of the element being checked in the form of
 *   element_type:element_id.
 * @return bool
 *   Indicates whether the indicated element is empty or not.
function rules_forms_condition_element_is_empty_value($form, $form_state, $element) {
  list(, $element_name, ) = explode(':', $element);
  if (isset($form_state['values']) && isset($form_state['values'][$element_name])) {
    $element_value = $form_state['values'][$element_name];

    // For cases when the element is a field, not a property.
    while (is_array($element_value)) {
      $element_value = reset($element_value);
    if (!empty($element_value)) {
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Returns TRUE if both arrays contain the same values.
 * Regardless of their keys and value ordering.
 * @param array $array1
 *   An array to compare against $array2.
 * @param array $array2
 *   An array to compare against $array1.
 * @return bool
 *   Indicates whether the input arrays are equal.
function rules_forms_equal_array_values(array $array1, array $array2) {
  $diff1 = array_udiff($array1, $array2, 'rules_forms_multi_array_compare');
  $diff2 = array_udiff($array2, $array1, 'rules_forms_multi_array_compare');
  return empty($diff1) && empty($diff2);

 * Compares the first value with the second one.
 * If $val1 is an array and $val2 is not, we return 1.
 * If $val2 is an array and $val1 is not, we return -1.
 * If both are arrays, we call a diff between those arrays.
 * If none are arrays, simply compare the values.
 * @param mixed $val1
 *   The value to compare with $val2.
 * @param mixed $val2
 *   The value to compare with $val1.
 * @return int
 *   The result of the comparison.
function rules_forms_multi_array_compare($val1, $val2) {
  while (is_array($val1)) {
    $val1 = reset($val1);
  while (is_array($val2)) {
    $val2 = reset($val2);
  return strcmp($val1, $val2);

 * Action: Set the redirect target.
 * @param mixed $form_state
 *   A reference to the form state array of the form for which the
 *   event was triggered.
 * @param string $path
 *   The path to which to redirect the user.
 * @param string $query
 *   A query string for use in drupal_goto().
 * @param string $fragment
 *   A fragement string for use in drupal_goto().
function rules_forms_action_redirect($form_state, $path, $query, $fragment) {

  // We manually check the form to see if redirect is okay.
  // Setting $form_state['redirect'] has proven to be unreliable.
  if (!empty($form_state['programmed']) || !empty($form_state['rebuild']) || !empty($form_state['no_redirect'])) {

  // Check if a query was defined and build the options array.
  $options = $query != '' ? array(
    'query' => array(
  ) : array();
  $options['fragment'] = $fragment;

  // Redirect the user.
  drupal_goto($path, $options);

 * Action: Set the title of a form element.
 * @param mixed $form
 *   A reference to the form array of the form for which the event
 *   was triggered.
 * @param string $element
 *   The element ID of the element being checked in the form of
 *   element_type:element_id.
 * @param string $title
 *   The title to assign to the form element.
function rules_forms_action_set_title($form, $element, $title) {
  $form_element =& _rules_forms_get_element($form, $element);
  if (isset($form_element) && (!isset($form_element['#access']) || $form_element['#access'] == TRUE)) {
    $form_element['#title'] = $title;

 * Action: Set the description of a form element.
 * @param mixed $form
 *   A reference to the form array of the form for which the event
 *   was triggered.
 * @param string $element
 *   The element ID of the element being checked in the form of
 *   element_type:element_id.
 * @param string $description
 *   The description to assign to the form element.
function rules_forms_action_set_description($form, $element, $description) {
  $form_element =& _rules_forms_get_element($form, $element);
  if (isset($form_element) && (!isset($form_element['#access']) || $form_element['#access'] == TRUE)) {
    $form_element['#description'] = $description;

 * Action: Hide a form element.
 * @param mixed $form
 *   A reference to the form array of the form for which the event
 *   was triggered.
 * @param string $element
 *   The element ID of the element being checked in the form of
 *   element_type:element_id.
 * @param bool $access
 *   A boolean value to assign to the element's #access attribute.
 *   This value is reversed so that it makes sense in the Rules interface.
 *   The user chooses to 'Hide a form element', so FALSE means hide and
 *   TRUE means don't hide.
function rules_forms_action_set_access($form, $element, $access) {
  $form_element =& _rules_forms_get_element($form, $element);
  if (isset($form_element)) {
    $form_element['#access'] = $access == 0;

 * Action: Disable a form element.
 * @param mixed $form
 *   A reference to the form array of the form for which the event
 *   was triggered.
 * @param string $element
 *   The element ID of the element being checked in the form of
 *   element_type:element_id.
 * @param bool $disabled
 *   A boolean value to assign to the element's #disabled attribute.
function rules_forms_action_set_disabled($form, $element, $disabled) {
  $form_element =& _rules_forms_get_element($form, $element);
  if (isset($form_element) && (!isset($form_element['#access']) || $form_element['#access'] == TRUE)) {
    $form_element['#disabled'] = $disabled == 1;

 * Action: Require a form element.
 * @param mixed $form
 *   A reference to the form array of the form for which the event
 *   was triggered.
 * @param string $element
 *   The element ID of the element being checked in the form of
 *   element_type:element_id.
 * @param bool $required
 *   A boolean value to assign to the element's #required attribute.
function rules_forms_action_set_required($form, $element, $required) {
  $form_element =& _rules_forms_get_element($form, $element);
  if (isset($form_element) && (!isset($form_element['#access']) || $form_element['#access'] == TRUE)) {
    $form_element['#required'] = $required == 1;

 * Action: Set the default value of a form element.
 * @param mixed $form
 *   A reference to the form array of the form for which the event
 *   was triggered.
 * @param string $element
 *   The element ID of the element being checked in the form of
 *   element_type:element_id.
 * @param string $value
 *   A value to assign to the form element. If the form element uses
 *   #options then the value is split into an array.
function rules_forms_action_set_default($form, $element, $value) {
  $form_element =& _rules_forms_get_element($form, $element);

  // Try to determine if this is a multiple option element.
  if (isset($form_element['#type']) && isset($form_element['#options'])) {
    switch ($form_element['#type']) {
      case 'checkboxes':
        $multiple = TRUE;
      case 'select':
      case 'tableselect':
        if (isset($form_element['#multiple']) && $form_element['#multiple']) {
          $multiple = TRUE;
  $form_element['#default_value'] = isset($multiple) ? explode("\r\n", $value) : $value;

 * Action: Set the prefix of a form element.
 * @param mixed $form
 *   A reference to the form array of the form for which the event
 *   was triggered.
 * @param string $element
 *   The element ID of the element being checked in the form of
 *   element_type:element_id.
 * @param string $prefix
 *   A value to assign to the element's #prefix attribute.
 * @param string $suffix
 *   A value to assign to the element's #suffix attribute.
function rules_forms_action_set_prefix_suffix_html($form, $element, $prefix, $suffix) {
  $form_element =& _rules_forms_get_element($form, $element);
  if (isset($form_element) && (!isset($form_element['#access']) || $form_element['#access'] == TRUE)) {
    $form_element['#prefix'] = $prefix;
    $form_element['#suffix'] = $suffix;

 * Action: Adjust weight of a form element.
 * @param mixed $form
 *   A reference to the form array of the form for which the event
 *   was triggered.
 * @param string $element
 *   The element ID of the element being checked in the form of
 *   element_type:element_id.
 * @param string $weight
 *   A value to assign to the element's #weight attribute. This
 *   value will be converted to an integer.
function rules_forms_action_set_weight($form, $element, $weight) {
  $form_element =& _rules_forms_get_element($form, $element);
  if (isset($form_element) && (!isset($form_element['#access']) || $form_element['#access'] == TRUE)) {
    $form_element['#weight'] = (int) $weight;

 * Action: Set form error.
 * @param mixed $form
 *   A reference to the form array of the form for which the event
 *   was triggered.
 * @param string $element
 *   The element ID of the element being checked in the form of
 *   element_type:element_id.
 * @param string $message
 *   The error message to set on the form element.
function rules_forms_action_set_error($form, $element, $message) {
  if (strpos($element, ':') !== FALSE) {
    $form_element =& _rules_forms_get_element($form, $element);

    // Remove the element type information.
    $element = substr($element, strpos($element, ':') + 1);
    if (isset($form_element['#parents'])) {
      $element = implode('][', $form_element['#parents']);
    else {
      $element = str_replace(':', '][', $element);
  form_set_error($element, $message);

 * Validation callback for set options action.
function rules_forms_action_set_options_validate($element) {

  // Check for duplicate key values to prevent unexpected data loss. Require
  // all options to include a safe_key.
  $lines = explode("\n", trim($element->settings['options']));
  $existing_keys = array();
  $duplicate_keys = array();
  $missing_keys = array();
  $long_keys = array();
  $group = '';

  // Check each option for validity - length, existence, and duplication.
  foreach ($lines as $line) {
    $matches = array();
    $line = trim($line);
    if (preg_match('/^([^|]*)\\|(.*)$/', $line, $matches)) {
      $key = $matches[1];

      // Validate the length of the key.
      if (strlen($key) > 128) {
        $long_keys[] = $key;
    else {
      $missing_keys[] = $line;

    // Ensure this is not a duplicate key.
    if (isset($key)) {
      if (isset($existing_keys[$group][$key])) {
        $duplicate_keys[$key] = $key;
      else {
        $existing_keys[$group][$key] = $key;

  // Throw exceptions for validation errors.
  if (!empty($missing_keys)) {
    throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('Every option must have a key specified. Specify each option as "safe_key|Some readable option'), $element);
  if (!empty($long_keys)) {
    throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('Option keys must be less than 128 characters. The following keys exceed this limit:') . theme('item_list', $long_keys), $element);
  if (!empty($duplicate_keys)) {
    throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('Options within the select list must be unique. The following keys have been used multiple times:') . theme('item_list', array(
      'items' => $duplicate_keys,
    )), $element);

 * Action: Set multiple value options of a form element.
 * Note: For multiple option values each key value pair is on its own line
 * and formatted key|value.
 * @param mixed $form
 *   A reference to the form array of the form for which the event
 *   was triggered.
 * @param string $element_id
 *   The element ID of the element being checked in the form of
 *   element_type:element_id.
 * @param string $value
 *   A value to assign to the element's #options attribute. This value
 *   is split into an array.
function rules_forms_action_set_options($form, $element_id, $value) {
  $form_element =& _rules_forms_get_element($form, $element_id);
  $lines = explode("\r\n", trim($value));
  $processed_options = array();
  foreach ($lines as $line) {
    $line = trim($line);
    if (preg_match('/^([^|]+)\\|(.*)$/', $line, $matches)) {
      $processed_options[$matches[1]] = $matches[2];
  if (isset($form_element['#type'])) {
    $form_element['#options'] = $processed_options;


Namesort descending Description
rules_forms_action_redirect Action: Set the redirect target.
rules_forms_action_set_access Action: Hide a form element.
rules_forms_action_set_default Action: Set the default value of a form element.
rules_forms_action_set_description Action: Set the description of a form element.
rules_forms_action_set_disabled Action: Disable a form element.
rules_forms_action_set_error Action: Set form error.
rules_forms_action_set_options Action: Set multiple value options of a form element.
rules_forms_action_set_options_validate Validation callback for set options action.
rules_forms_action_set_prefix_suffix_html Action: Set the prefix of a form element.
rules_forms_action_set_required Action: Require a form element.
rules_forms_action_set_title Action: Set the title of a form element.
rules_forms_action_set_weight Action: Adjust weight of a form element.
rules_forms_condition_button_clicked Condition: Form button was clicked.
rules_forms_condition_element_changed Condition: Form element value has changed.
rules_forms_condition_element_is_empty_value Condition: Checks if the element is empty.
rules_forms_condition_element_value Condition: Check a form element value.
rules_forms_equal_array_values Returns TRUE if both arrays contain the same values.
rules_forms_multi_array_compare Compares the first value with the second one.