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public function RulesConditionalElement::getPreviousSibling in Conditional Rules 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 includes/ \RulesConditionalElement::getPreviousSibling()

Gets the previous sibling element.

Return value


5 calls to RulesConditionalElement::getPreviousSibling()
RulesConditionalCase::canEvaluate in includes/
Determines whether this branch can be evaluated.
RulesConditionalDefaultCase::canEvaluate in includes/
Determines whether this branch can be evaluated.
RulesConditionalElement::checkSiblings in includes/
Checks basic conditional element integrity.
RulesConditionalIf::exportPredicate in includes/
Exports predicate.
RulesConditionalIf::pluginLabel in includes/


includes/, line 266
Conditional Rules framework implementation.


Base conditional element plugin implementation.


public function getPreviousSibling() {
  if (isset($this->parent) && method_exists($this->parent, 'getIterator')) {
    $previous = NULL;
    foreach ($this->parent
      ->getIterator() as $element) {
      if ($element === $this) {
        return $previous;
      $previous = $element;

  // Otherwise, return nothing if no previous sibling is applicable.
  return NULL;