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Conditional Rules framework implementation.


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 * @file
 * Conditional Rules framework implementation.

 * Base conditional statement plugin implementation.
abstract class RulesConditionalContainer extends RulesContainerPlugin implements RulesActionInterface {

   * Magic methods to intercept.
   * @var array
  protected $interceptMethods = array();

   * @var RulesActionContainer
  protected $fluentElement;
  protected $providesVariables;
  public function label() {
    $info = $this
    $label = isset($info['label']) ? $info['label'] : t('unlabeled');
    return $label;

   * Intercepts calls to magic methods, possibly using reserved keywords.
  public function __call($name, $arguments = array()) {
    if (in_array($name, $this->interceptMethods) && method_exists($this, $mapMethod = 'call_' . $name)) {
      return call_user_func_array(array(
      ), $arguments);
    else {
      return parent::__call($name, $arguments);
  public function destroy() {
    $this->fluentElement = NULL;

   * Adds an action to the active fluent statement.
   * Pass either an instance of the RulesActionInterface or the arguments as
   * needed by rules_action().
   * @param $name
   * @param array $settings
   * @return $this
   *   Returns $this for fluent interface.
  public function action($name, array $settings = array()) {
    if (isset($this->fluentElement)) {
        ->action($name, $settings);
    return $this;

   * Evaluates the conditional statement.
  public function evaluate(RulesState $state) {

    // Evaluate selected branches.
    $branches = $this
    foreach ($branches as $branch) {

   * Asserts no variables (since a conditional is *conditionally* evaluated).
  protected function variableInfoAssertions() {
    return array();

   * Declares only parent state variables for individual branches.
   * By definition, divergent branches should not have each other's variables.
  protected function stateVariables($element = NULL) {
    return $this

   * Provides intersections of variables in all branches, at least one default.
  public function providesVariables() {
    if (!isset($this->providesVariables)) {
      $this->providesVariables = parent::providesVariables();
      if (!$this
        ->isRoot()) {

        // Collect variables.
        $hasDefault = FALSE;
        $childVariables = array();

        /** @var $child RulesConditionalElement */
        $isEmpty = FALSE;
        foreach ($this->children as $child) {
          $hasDefault = $hasDefault || $child
          if ($childProvides = $child
            ->providesVariables()) {
            $childVariables[] = $childProvides;
          else {

            // Mark as empty if any branch does not provide variables. This is
            // to avoid having to perform intersections over empty sets.
            $isEmpty = TRUE;
        if ($hasDefault && !$isEmpty) {

          // Collect intersection of variable names.
          $names = NULL;
          foreach ($childVariables as $variables) {
            $newNames = array_keys($variables);
            $names = isset($names) ? array_intersect($names, $newNames) : $newNames;

          // Add variables.
          if (isset($names)) {
            foreach ($names as $name) {

              // Determine if variable types are consistent.
              $type = NULL;
              foreach ($childVariables as $variables) {
                if (isset($type) && $type != $variables[$name]['type']) {
                  continue 2;
                else {
                  $type = $variables[$name]['type'];

              // Add compatible variable.
              if (isset($type)) {
                $lastVariables = end($childVariables);
                $this->providesVariables[$name] = $lastVariables[$name];
    return $this->providesVariables;

   * Selects the branches to evaluate for this conditional.
   * @param RulesState $state
   *   Rules state to use.
   * @return RulesConditionalElement[]
   *   An array of branches to evaluate.
  protected abstract function selectBranches(RulesState $state);

   * Deletes the container and its children.
  public function delete($keep_children = FALSE) {
  public function dependencies() {
    $modules = array(
      'rules_conditional' => 1,
    $modules += array_flip(parent::dependencies());
    return array_keys($modules);
  protected function exportSettings() {
    $export = parent::exportSettings();

    // Remove provided variables as plugin is only a container.
    if (isset($export['PROVIDE'])) {
    return $export;
  public function resetInternalCache() {
    $this->providesVariables = NULL;


 * Base conditional element plugin implementation.
abstract class RulesConditionalElement extends RulesActionContainer implements RulesActionInterface {

   * The parent conditional.
   * @var RulesConditionalContainer
  protected $parent;
  public function label() {
    $info = $this
    $label = isset($info['label']) ? $info['label'] : t('unlabeled');
    return $label;

   * @todo Remove once is resolved.
  public function setParent(RulesContainerPlugin $parent) {
    if ($this->parent === $parent) {

    // Check parent class against the compatible class.
    $pluginInfo = $this
    if (empty($pluginInfo['embeddable'])) {
      throw new RulesEvaluationException('This element cannot be embedded.', array(), $this, RulesLog::ERROR);
    elseif (!$parent instanceof $pluginInfo['embeddable']) {
      throw new RulesEvaluationException('The given container is incompatible with this element.', array(), $this, RulesLog::ERROR);
    if (isset($this->parent) && ($key = array_search($this, $this->parent->children, TRUE)) !== FALSE) {

      // Remove element from any previous parent.

    // Update parent.
    $this->parent = $parent;
    $parent->children[] = $this;
  public function providesVariables() {
    $provides = parent::providesVariables();
    if (!$this
      ->isRoot()) {
      foreach ($this->children as $action) {
        $provides += $action
    return $provides;

   * Determines whether this branch is default, i.e. covers the remainder of
   * conditions outside of all non-default branches inside the conditional.
  public function isDefault() {
    return FALSE;

   * Determines whether this branch can be evaluated.
   * Non-default plugins should override this method.
  public function canEvaluate(RulesState $state) {
    return $this

   * Gets the previous sibling element.
   * @return RulesPlugin
  public function getPreviousSibling() {
    if (isset($this->parent) && method_exists($this->parent, 'getIterator')) {
      $previous = NULL;
      foreach ($this->parent
        ->getIterator() as $element) {
        if ($element === $this) {
          return $previous;
        $previous = $element;

    // Otherwise, return nothing if no previous sibling is applicable.
    return NULL;

   * Gets sibling elements.
   * @return array of RulesPlugin objects.
  public function getAllSibling() {
    if (isset($this->parent)) {
      $siblings = NULL;
      foreach ($this->parent
        ->getIterator() as $element) {
        if (!($element === $this)) {
          $siblings[] = $element;
      return $siblings;

    // Otherwise, return nothing if no sibling.
    return NULL;

   * Gets the next sibling element.
   * @return RulesPlugin
  public function getNextSibling() {
    if (isset($this->parent)) {
      $previous = NULL;
      foreach ($this->parent
        ->getIterator() as $element) {
        if ($previous === $this) {
          return $element;
        $previous = $element;

    // Otherwise, return nothing if no next sibling is applicable.
    return NULL;
  public function integrityCheck() {
    return $this;

   * Checks basic conditional element integrity.
  protected function checkSiblings() {

    // Check a default element is the last.
    if ($this
      ->isDefault() && $this
      ->getNextSibling()) {
      throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('The "%plugin" cannot precede another element.', array(
        '%plugin' => $this
      )), $this);
    $pluginInfo = $this

    // Check dependent element.
    if (!empty($pluginInfo['conditional depends'])) {
      if (!($previous = $this
        ->getPreviousSibling()) || !in_array($previous
        ->plugin(), $pluginInfo['conditional depends'])) {
        $depends = $pluginInfo['conditional depends'];
        $list = t('"%plugin"', array(
          '%plugin' => array_shift($depends),
        foreach ($depends as $depend) {
          $list = t('!preceding, "%plugin"', array(
            '!preceding' => $list,
            '%plugin' => $depend,
        throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('The "%plugin" must be preceded by one of: !list.', array(
          '%plugin' => $this
          '!list' => $list,
        )), $this);

    // Check single element in a conditional container.
    if (!$this
      ->isRoot() && $this
      ->parentElement() instanceof RulesConditionalContainer && !empty($pluginInfo['conditional single'])) {
      $plugin = $this
      $previous = $this
      $next = $this
      do {
        if ($previous && $previous
          ->plugin() == $plugin || $next && $next
          ->plugin() == $plugin) {
          throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('The "%plugin" cannot occur more than once within the enclosing container.', array(
            '%plugin' => $this
          )), $this);
      } while ($previous && ($previous = $previous
        ->getPreviousSibling()) || $next && ($next = $next

   * Deletes the element and its children.
  public function delete($keep_children = FALSE) {
  public function dependencies() {
    $modules = array(
      'rules_conditional' => 1,
    $modules += array_flip(parent::dependencies());
    return array_keys($modules);
  protected function importChildren($export, $key = NULL) {
    parent::importChildren($export, 'DO');
  protected function exportChildren($key = NULL) {
    return parent::exportChildren('DO');
  protected function exportSettings() {
    $export = parent::exportSettings();

    // Remove provided variables as plugin is only a container.
    if (isset($export['PROVIDE'])) {
    return $export;


 * Base conditional element that uses a predicate.
abstract class RulesConditionalPredicateElement extends RulesConditionalElement {

   * @var RulesCondition
  protected $predicate;
  public function __construct($predicate = NULL, $settings = array()) {
    if (isset($predicate)) {
      $predicate = is_object($predicate) && $predicate instanceof RulesConditionInterface ? $predicate : rules_condition($predicate, $settings);

   * Sets a condition as predicate.
  protected function setPredicate($predicate) {
    $this->predicate = $predicate;
    $this->predicate->parent = $this;

    // Set up variables with the new parent.
  public function resetInternalCache() {
    if (isset($this->predicate)) {
  public function __sleep() {
    $array = parent::__sleep();
    $array['predicate'] = 'predicate';
    return $array;
  public function __clone() {
    $this->predicate = clone $this->predicate;
    $this->predicate->parent = $this;
  public function label() {
    $text = '@plugin';
    $variables = array(
      '@plugin' => $this
    if (isset($this->predicate)) {
      $text = '@plugin: @label';
      $variables['@label'] = $this->predicate
    return t($text, $variables);
  public function pluginLabel() {
    return parent::label();
  public function integrityCheck() {
    if (!isset($this->predicate)) {
      throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('The conditional "%plugin" does not have a valid predicate.', array(
        '%plugin' => $this
      )), $this);
    return $this;

   * Adds predicate assertions to state.
  protected function stateVariables($element = NULL) {
    if (!isset($element) || $element === $this->predicate) {
      return parent::stateVariables();
    else {

      // Add assertions from the predicate.
      $variables = parent::stateVariables($element);
      if (isset($this->predicate) && ($assertions = $this->predicate
        ->call('variableInfoAssertions'))) {
        $variables = RulesData::addMetadataAssertions($variables, $assertions);
      return $variables;
  public function dependencies() {
    $modules = array_flip(parent::dependencies());
    if (isset($this->predicate)) {
      $modules += array_flip($this->predicate
    return array_keys($modules);

   * Negates the predicate.
  public function negate($negate = TRUE) {
    return $this;

   * Returns whether the predicate is negated.
  public function isNegated() {
    return $this->predicate

   * Evaluates the predicate.
  public function canEvaluate(RulesState $state) {
    return $this->predicate

   * Imports predicate.
  protected function importChildren($export, $key = NULL) {
    parent::importChildren($export, 'DO');

   * Imports predicate.
  protected function importPredicate($export, $key = NULL) {
    if (!isset($key)) {
      $key = strtoupper($this
    $predicate = rules_plugin_factory('condition');

   * Exports predicate with actions.
  protected function exportChildren($key = NULL) {
    $export = $this
    return $export + parent::exportChildren('DO');

   * Exports predicate.
  protected function exportPredicate($key = NULL) {
    $export = array();
    if (!isset($key)) {
      $key = strtoupper($this
    if (isset($this->predicate)) {
      $export[$key] = $this->predicate
    return $export;
  protected function exportFlat() {
    return TRUE;



Namesort descending Description
RulesConditionalContainer Base conditional statement plugin implementation.
RulesConditionalElement Base conditional element plugin implementation.
RulesConditionalPredicateElement Base conditional element that uses a predicate.