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public function EventBundleTest::testEventBundleSelection in Rules 8.3

Tests that event bundle selection Ajax works.


tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/EventBundleTest.php, line 47


Tests the Ajax behavior of the Add Reaction Rule UI.




public function testEventBundleSelection() {

  // A user who can create rules in the UI.
  $account = $this
    'administer rules',

  // Create a Rule which we can trigger.

  /** @var \Drupal\Tests\WebAssert $assert */
  $assert = $this
    ->pageTextContains('Event selection');
    ->pageTextContains('React on event');

  /** @var \Behat\Mink\Element\DocumentElement $page */
  $page = $this
    ->fillField('label', 'Test bundle selection Ajax rule');

  // The machine name field should be automatically filled via Ajax.

  // Select the "After saving a new taxonomy term" event.
    ->pageTextContains('Restrict by type');

  // Check that the "Not selected" text is shown.
  $field = $page
    ->assertEquals('notselected', $field

  // Select the "Cron maintenance tasks are performed" event.

  // This event doesn't have any bundles, so the additional selection that
  // was presented above to restrict by type should now be hidden.
    ->pageTextNotContains('Restrict by type');
  $field = $page

  // Select the "After saving a new content item" event.
    ->pageTextContains('Restrict by type');
  $field = $page
    ->assertEquals('rules_entity_insert:node', $field

  // Don't try to set the bundle unless the event has bundles!
  if ($page
    ->findField('bundle')) {

    // Check to see that our "page" content type is an option.
    $field = $page
      ->assertEquals('page', $field

    // Now check our "article" type, and leave it selected.
    $field = $page
      ->assertEquals('article', $field
  else {

    // If we reach this point, $page->findField('bundle') is FALSE, so there
    // should be no bundles and the bundle select should be hidden.
    $bundles = \Drupal::service('')
      ->pageTextNotContains('Restrict by type');
      ->assert(empty($bundles), 'Restrict by type field is not shown and there are no bundles.');

  // Save the Reaction Rule with event "rules_entity_insert:node--article".

  // Now ensure the bundle we selected with Ajax got saved.
    ->pageTextContains('Test bundle selection Ajax rule');
    ->pageTextContains('After saving a new content item of type Article');
    ->pageTextContains('Machine name: test_bundle_selection_ajax_rule');

  // And ensure the qualified event name is displayed properly in the UI.
    ->pageTextContains('After saving a new content item of type Article');
    ->pageTextContains('Machine name: rules_entity_insert:node--article');