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rules_test.test in Rules 6

Rules Testing Module - File containing test cases.


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 * @file Rules Testing Module - File containing test cases.
class RulesTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Rules engine API tests'),
      'description' => t('Tests the rules engine API to work correctly.'),
      'group' => t('Rules engine tests'),
  function setUp() {
  function tearDown() {

  //Test changing an argument when taken by reference and verify that the changes are kept
  function test_1() {
    $argument = array(
      'property_xy' => TRUE,
    rules_invoke_rule_set('rules_test_1', $argument);
    $error = FALSE;
    $log = rules_test_show_log($error);
      ->assertFalse($error, t('Rule was not evaluated successfully.') . ' ' . $log);

  //Test changing an argument by action and verify that the changes are kept for later rules
  function test_2() {
    $argument = array(
      'property_xy' => TRUE,
    rules_invoke_rule_set('rules_test_2', $argument);
    $error = FALSE;
    $log = rules_test_show_log($error);
      ->assertFalse($error, t('Rule was not evaluated successfully.') . ' ' . $log);

  //Test passing arguments by reference to a set
  function test_3() {
    $argument = array(
      'property_xy' => TRUE,
    rules_invoke_rule_set('rules_test_2', array(
      'rules_test' => &$argument,
    $error = FALSE;
    $log = rules_test_show_log($error);
      ->assertTrue(isset($argument['altered']) && $argument['altered'], t('Argument has not been altered correctly.'));
      ->assertFalse($error, t('Rule was not evaluated successfully.') . ' ' . $log);

  //Tests argument mapping and argument loading by handler
  function test_4() {
    $argument = array(
      'property_xy' => TRUE,
    rules_invoke_rule_set('rules_test_4', $argument);
    $error = FALSE;
    $log = rules_test_show_log($error);
      ->assertFalse($error, t('Rule was not evaluated successfully.') . ' ' . $log);
      ->assertTrue(strpos($log, 'Loaded variable "node"') !== FALSE, t('Variable was not loaded successfully.') . ' ' . $log);

  //Tests adding a new variable
  function test_5() {
    $error = FALSE;
    $log = rules_test_show_log($error);
      ->assertFalse($error, t('Rule was not evaluated successfully.') . ' ' . $log);
      ->assertTrue(strpos($log, 'Successfully added the new variable "test"') !== FALSE, t('Variable was not added successfully.') . ' ' . $log);


 * Argument handler for argument 2 of rule set 4
function rules_test_4_load_data($arg1) {
  if (isset($arg1) && $arg1['property_xy']) {
    return array(
      'property_xy' => TRUE,
      'altered' => TRUE,


Namesort descending Description
rules_test_4_load_data Argument handler for argument 2 of rule set 4


Namesort descending Description
RulesTestCase @file Rules Testing Module - File containing test cases.