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6 calls to rules_admin_rule_proxy::get_rule() in Rules 6

rules_admin_rule_proxy::clean_rule in rules_admin/
Cleans the given rule. This means, array keys that are neither elements nor properties are removed.
rules_admin_rule_proxy::delete_rule in rules_admin/
Deletes the rule configuration from the database
rules_admin_rule_proxy::get_set in rules_admin/
Gets the set of this rule, which contains only active rules.
rules_admin_rule_proxy::get_set_info in rules_admin/
Gets the info about the set of this rule
rules_admin_rule_proxy::save_changes in rules_admin/
Saves the changes in the rule and clears the cache if necessary.
rules_admin_rule_proxy::save_rule in rules_admin/
Saves a the rule in the database