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15 calls to rules_fetch_data() in Rules 7.2

drush_rules_list in ./
Get a list of all rules.
RulesAbstractPlugin::rebuildCache in includes/
Add in the data provided by the info hooks to the cache.
RulesContainerPluginUI::addOperations in ui/
Gets the Add-* operations for the given element.
RulesDataProcessor::processors in includes/
Returns defined data processors applicable for the given parameter.
RulesEventSet::rebuildEventCache in includes/
Rebuilds the event cache.
RulesIntegrationTestCase::testAccessCallbacks in tests/rules.test
Just makes sure the access callback run without errors.
RulesUICategory::getInfo in ui/
Gets info about all available categories, or about a specific category.
RulesUICategory::getOptions in ui/
Returns an array of options to use with a select.
RulesUIController::overviewTable in ui/
Generates the render array for an overview configuration table.
rules_admin_components_overview in rules_admin/
Components overview.
rules_get_event_info in ./rules.module
Gets event info for a given event.
rules_permission in ./rules.module
Implements hook_permission().
rules_ui_add_event in ui/
Add a new event.
rules_ui_add_event_page_submit in ui/
Submit the event configuration.
_rules_rebuild_cache in ./rules.module
Rebuilds the rules cache.