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rules integration for the system module


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 * @file rules integration for the system module
 * @addtogroup rules
 * @{

 * Implementation of hook_rules_event_info().
function system_rules_event_info() {
  return array(
    'init' => array(
      'label' => t('User is going to view a page'),
      'module' => 'System',
      'arguments' => rules_events_global_user_argument(),
      'help' => t("Be aware that some actions might initialize the theme system. After that, it's impossible for any module to change the used theme."),
    'cron' => array(
      'label' => t('Cron maintenance tasks are performed'),
      'module' => 'System',
      'arguments' => rules_events_global_user_argument(),

 * Implementation of hook_rules_action_info().
function system_rules_action_info() {
  return array(
    'rules_action_drupal_message' => array(
      'label' => t('Show a configurable message on the site'),
      'module' => 'System',
      'eval input' => array(
    'rules_action_set_breadcrumb' => array(
      'label' => t('Set breadcrumb'),
      'module' => 'System',
      'eval input' => array(
    'rules_action_mail_to_user' => array(
      'label' => t('Send a mail to a user'),
      'arguments' => array(
        'user' => array(
          'type' => 'user',
          'label' => t('Recipient'),
      'module' => 'System',
      'eval input' => array(
    'rules_action_mail' => array(
      'label' => t('Send a mail to an arbitrary mail address'),
      'module' => 'System',
      'eval input' => array(
    'rules_action_mail_to_users_of_role' => array(
      'label' => t('Send a mail to all users of a role'),
      'module' => 'System',
      'eval input' => array(
    'rules_action_drupal_goto' => array(
      'label' => t('Page redirect'),
      'module' => 'System',
      'eval input' => array(
      'help' => t('Enter a Drupal path, path alias, or external URL to redirect to. Enter (optional) queries after "?" and (optional) anchor after "#".'),
    'rules_action_watchdog' => array(
      'label' => t('Log to watchdog'),
      'module' => 'System',
      'eval input' => array(
function rules_action_drupal_message($settings) {
  drupal_set_message($settings['message'], $settings['error'] ? 'error' : 'status');

 * Action Implementation: Set breadcrumb.
function rules_action_set_breadcrumb($settings) {
  $titles = explode("\n", $settings['titles']);
  $paths = explode("\n", $settings['paths']);
  $trail = array(
    l(t('Home'), ''),
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($titles); $i++) {

    // Skip empty titles
    if ($title = trim($titles[$i])) {

      // Output plaintext instead of a link if there is a title
      // without a path.
      $path = trim($paths[$i]);
      if (strlen($path) > 0 && $path != '<none>') {
        $trail[] = l($title, trim($paths[$i]));
      else {
        $trail[] = check_plain($title);

 * Action Implementation: Send a mail to a user.
function rules_action_mail_to_user($user, $settings) {

  // We also handle $settings['to'] if it's set.
  $to = isset($settings['to']) ? str_replace(array(
  ), '', $settings['to']) : $user->mail;
  $from = $settings['from'] ? str_replace(array(
  ), '', $settings['from']) : NULL;
  $message = drupal_mail('rules', 'rules_action_mail', $to, language_default(), $settings, $from);
  if ($message['result']) {
    watchdog('rules', 'Successfully sent email to %recipient', array(
      '%recipient' => $to,

 * Implementation of hook_mail().
 * Set's the message subject and body as configured in the $settings of the action.
function rules_mail($key, &$message, $settings) {
  $message['subject'] .= str_replace(array(
  ), '', $settings['subject']);
  $message['body'][] = $settings['message'];

 * Action Implementation: rules_action_mail
 * This action makes use of the rules_action_mail_to_user action implementation.
function rules_action_mail($settings) {
  rules_action_mail_to_user(NULL, $settings);

 * Action: Send mail to all users of a specific role group(s).
function rules_action_mail_to_users_of_role($settings) {
  $recipients = $settings['recipients'];
  $from = $settings['from'] ? str_replace(array(
  ), '', $settings['from']) : NULL;

  // All authenticated users, which is everybody.
  if (in_array(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID, $recipients)) {
    $result = db_query('SELECT mail FROM {users} WHERE uid > 0');
  else {
    $rids = implode(',', $recipients);

    // Avoid sending emails to members of two or more target role groups.
    $result = db_query('SELECT DISTINCT u.mail FROM {users} u INNER JOIN {users_roles} r ON u.uid = r.uid WHERE r.rid IN (' . $rids . ')');

  // Now, actually send the mails.
  $message = array(
    'result' => TRUE,
  while (($account = db_fetch_object($result)) && $message['result']) {
    $message = drupal_mail('rules', 'rules_action_role_mail', $account->mail, language_default(), $settings, $from);
  if ($message['result']) {
    $roles = array_intersect_key(user_roles(TRUE), drupal_map_assoc($recipients));
    watchdog('rules', 'Successfully sent email to the role(s) %roles.', array(
      '%roles' => implode(', ', $roles),

 * Action Implementation: Page redirect.
function rules_action_drupal_goto($settings) {

  // For settings backward compatibility respect the override setting as default
  $settings += array(
    'immediate' => isset($settings['override']) && !$settings['override'],
  if ($force) {
    if (strpos($query, 'destination') === FALSE) {
      if (!empty($query)) {
        $query .= '&';

      // Keep the current destination parameter if there is one.
      $query .= isset($_REQUEST['destination']) ? 'destination=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['destination']) : NULL;
  if ($immediate) {
    drupal_goto($path, $query ? $query : NULL, $fragment ? $fragment : NULL);
  else {

    // If someone else issues a drupal_goto(), we hijack it by setting the destination parameter
    // But obey any already set destination parameter.
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['destination'])) {
      $_REQUEST['destination'] = urlencode($path) . ($query ? '?' . urlencode($query) : '') . ($fragment ? '#' . urlencode($fragment) : '');

    // This lets _rules_action_drupal_goto_handler() invoke drupal_goto before the page is output.
    $GLOBALS['_rules_action_drupal_goto_do'] = TRUE;

 * Page template preprocess handler for the drupal goto action.
 * @see rules_theme_registry_alter().
function _rules_action_drupal_goto_handler($variables) {
  if (isset($GLOBALS['_rules_action_drupal_goto_do'])) {

    // We have already set $_REQUEST['destination'] which drupal_goto() is going to respect.

 * Action Implementation: Log to watchdog.
function rules_action_watchdog($settings) {
  watchdog($settings['type'], $settings['message'], NULL, $settings['severity'], $settings['link']);

 * @}

Related topics


Namesort descending Description
rules_action_drupal_goto Action Implementation: Page redirect.
rules_action_mail Action Implementation: rules_action_mail This action makes use of the rules_action_mail_to_user action implementation.
rules_action_mail_to_user Action Implementation: Send a mail to a user.
rules_action_mail_to_users_of_role Action: Send mail to all users of a specific role group(s).
rules_action_set_breadcrumb Action Implementation: Set breadcrumb.
rules_action_watchdog Action Implementation: Log to watchdog.
rules_mail Implementation of hook_mail().
system_rules_action_info Implementation of hook_rules_action_info().
system_rules_event_info Implementation of hook_rules_event_info().
_rules_action_drupal_goto_handler Page template preprocess handler for the drupal goto action.