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public static function RulesData::applyMetadataAssertions in Rules 7.2

Property info alter callback for the entity metadata wrapper.

Used for applying the rules metadata assertions.

See also


1 call to RulesData::applyMetadataAssertions()
RulesData::addSiteMetadata in includes/
Property info alter callback for the entity metadata wrapper.


includes/, line 581
Contains the state and data related stuff.


A class holding static methods related to data.


public static function applyMetadataAssertions(EntityMetadataWrapper $wrapper, $property_info) {
  $info = $wrapper
  if (!empty($info['rules assertion'])) {
    $assertion = $info['rules assertion'];

    // In case there are list-wrappers pass through the assertions of the item
    // but make sure we only apply the assertions for the list items for
    // which the conditions are executed.
    if (isset($info['parent']) && $info['parent'] instanceof EntityListWrapper) {
      $assertion = isset($assertion[$info['name']]) ? $assertion[$info['name']] : array();

    // Support specifying multiple bundles, whereas the added properties are
    // the intersection of the bundle properties.
    if (isset($assertion['#info']['bundle'])) {
      $bundles = (array) $assertion['#info']['bundle'];
      foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
        $properties[] = isset($property_info['bundles'][$bundle]['properties']) ? $property_info['bundles'][$bundle]['properties'] : array();

      // Add the intersection.
      $property_info['properties'] += count($properties) > 1 ? call_user_func_array('array_intersect_key', $properties) : reset($properties);

    // Support adding directly asserted property info.
    if (isset($assertion['#info']['property info'])) {
      $property_info['properties'] += $assertion['#info']['property info'];

    // Pass through any rules assertion of properties to their info, so any
    // derived wrappers apply it.
    foreach (element_children($assertion) as $key) {
      $property_info['properties'][$key]['rules assertion'] = $assertion[$key];
      $property_info['properties'][$key]['property info alter'] = array(

      // Apply any 'type' and 'bundle' assertion directly to the property
      // info.
      if (isset($assertion[$key]['#info']['type'])) {
        $type = $assertion[$key]['#info']['type'];

        // Support asserting a type in case of generic entity references only.
        if ($property_info['properties'][$key]['type'] == 'entity' && entity_get_info($type)) {
          $property_info['properties'][$key]['type'] = $type;
      if (isset($assertion[$key]['#info']['bundle'])) {
        $bundle = (array) $assertion[$key]['#info']['bundle'];

        // Add any single bundle directly to the variable info, so the
        // property fits as argument for parameters requiring the bundle.
        if (count($bundle) == 1) {
          $property_info['properties'][$key]['bundle'] = reset($bundle);
  return $property_info;