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9 calls to RulesPlugin::pluginParameterInfo() in Rules 7.2

RulesAbstractPlugin::pluginParameterInfo in includes/
Returns info about parameters needed by the plugin.
RulesContainerPlugin::exportFlat in includes/
Determines whether the element should be exported in flat style.
RulesPlugin::access in includes/
Whether the currently logged in user has access to all configured elements.
RulesPlugin::checkParameterSettings in includes/
Checks whether parameters are correctly configured.
RulesPlugin::dependencies in includes/
Calculates an array of required modules.
RulesPlugin::exportSettings in includes/
RulesPlugin::getExecutionArguments in includes/
Gets the right arguments for executing the element.
RulesPlugin::parameterInfo in includes/
Returns info about parameters needed for executing the configured plugin.
RulesPlugin::processSettings in includes/
Processes the settings e.g. to prepare input evaluators.