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protected function RulesPlugin::ensureNameExists in Rules 7.2

Ensure the configuration has a name. If not, generate one.

2 calls to RulesPlugin::ensureNameExists()
RulesPlugin::returnExport in includes/
Finalizes the configuration export.
RulesPlugin::save in includes/
Saves the configuration to the database.


includes/, line 1177
Rules base classes and interfaces needed for any rule evaluation.


Base class for rules plugins.


protected function ensureNameExists() {
  if (!isset($this->module)) {
    $this->module = 'rules';
  if (!isset($this->name)) {

    // Find a unique name for this configuration.
    $this->name = $this->module . '_';
    for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {

      // Alphanumeric name generation.
      $rnd = mt_rand(97, 122);
      $this->name .= chr($rnd);