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6 calls to RulesTriggerTestCase::createTestRule() in Rules 8.3

RulesTriggerTestCase::testBasicReactionRule in d7-tests/rules_test_trigger_case.test
Tests creating and triggering a basic reaction rule.
RulesTriggerTestCase::testReactiveRuleCreation in d7-tests/rules_test_trigger_case.test
Tests CRUD for reaction rules - making sure the events are stored properly.
RulesTriggerTestCase::testRecursionOnDifferentArguments in d7-tests/rules_test_trigger_case.test
Ensure the recursion prevention still allows to let the rule trigger again during evaluation of the same event set, if the event isn't caused by the rule itself - thus we won't run in an infinite loop.
RulesTriggerTestCase::testRecursionPrevention in d7-tests/rules_test_trigger_case.test
Tests preventing recursive rule invocations by creating a rule that reacts on node-update and generates a node update that would trigger it itself.
RulesTriggerTestCase::testVariableHandler in d7-tests/rules_test_trigger_case.test
Test a rule using a handler to load a variable.
RulesTriggerTestCase::testVariableHandlerFailing in d7-tests/rules_test_trigger_case.test
Test aborting silently when handlers are not able to load.