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royalslider.tpl.php in RoyalSlider Integration 7


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 * @file
 * RoyalSlider template.
 * Available variables:
 * These are the main variables used to output this template. They aren't
 * defined in royalslider_theme() and are instead added in a preprocess:
 * royalslider_preprocess_royalslider().
 *  - $attributes_array array An array of attributes to apply to the wrapper.
 *  - $items_processed array An array of item render arrays.
 * These are "internal" variables and shouldn't really be used directly.
 * However, they're here in case you want to go nuts.
 *  - $optionset object A RoyalSlider Option Set object.
 *  - $skin string The machine_name of the active skin.
 *  - $items array The raw array of items that make up the slideshow.
$i = 1;

print drupal_attributes($attributes_array);

foreach ($items_processed as $item) {
    <div class="royalslider-item rsContent item-<?php

  print $i++;

  print drupal_render($item);
