7 calls to FeatureContext::findBookableUnitByName() in Rooms - Drupal Booking for Hotels, B&Bs and Vacation Rentals 7
- FeatureContext::checkUnitPropertyRange in test/
features/ bootstrap/ FeatureContext.php - Checks the state of a unit for a given range of dates.
- FeatureContext::createBookings in test/
features/ bootstrap/ FeatureContext.php - @Given /^"(?P<type>[^"]*)" bookings:$/
- FeatureContext::findUnitAvailability in test/
features/ bootstrap/ FeatureContext.php - FeatureContext::iAmDoingOnTheUnit in test/
features/ bootstrap/ FeatureContext.php - Redirects user to the action page for the given unit.
- FeatureContext::iSelectTheRoomForPackage in test/
features/ bootstrap/ FeatureContext.php - @Given /^I select the "(?P<unit_name>[^"]*)" room for package$/
- FeatureContext::optionsForUnit in test/
features/ bootstrap/ FeatureContext.php - @Given /^options for "([^"]*)" unit:$/
- FeatureContext::referenceUnitsInTheField in test/
features/ bootstrap/ FeatureContext.php - @Given /^reference units "(?<unit_names>[^"]*)" in the "(?<field_name>[^"]*)" field$/