9 calls to rooms_options_machine_name() in Rooms - Drupal Booking for Hotels, B&Bs and Vacation Rentals 7
- book_units_per_type_form in modules/
rooms_booking_manager/ rooms_booking_manager.module - Book units per type booking form callback.
- book_unit_form_builder in modules/
rooms_booking_manager/ rooms_booking_manager.module - The form builder builds the form (where visible is simply the purchase button) for individual bookable units.
- book_unit_form_submit in modules/
rooms_booking_manager/ rooms_booking_manager.module - Submit callback for book_unit_form form.
- rooms_booking_edit_form in modules/
rooms_booking/ rooms_booking.admin.inc - Form callback: create or edit a booking.
- rooms_booking_edit_form_submit in modules/
rooms_booking/ rooms_booking.admin.inc - Form API submit callback for the Booking form.
- rooms_booking_manager_commerce_checkout_complete in modules/
rooms_booking_manager/ rooms_booking_manager.module - Implements hook_commerce_checkout_complete().
- rooms_booking_manager_create_order in modules/
rooms_booking_manager/ rooms_booking_manager.module - Creates a Commerce Order for a booking.
- rooms_booking_manager_override_confirmation_form_submit in modules/
rooms_booking_manager/ rooms_booking_manager.confirmation_override.inc - Submit hanlder for the confirmation form.
- _rooms_booking_manager_add_options in modules/
rooms_booking_manager/ rooms_booking_manager.units_per_type_form.inc - Checks if there are any options to add to units and loads them if so.