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8 uses of ROOMS_PER_NIGHT in Rooms - Drupal Booking for Hotels, B&Bs and Vacation Rentals 7

AvailabilityAgent::getUnitsByPriceType in modules/rooms_booking/includes/
Returns the units array in a specific format based on price.
book_units_per_type_form in modules/rooms_booking_manager/rooms_booking_manager.module
Book units per type booking form callback.
book_unit_form_builder in modules/rooms_booking_manager/rooms_booking_manager.module
The form builder builds the form (where visible is simply the purchase button) for individual bookable units.
rooms_booking_edit_form in modules/rooms_booking/
Form callback: create or edit a booking.
rooms_booking_edit_form_get_rooms in modules/rooms_booking/
Returns a set of available units given a unit type, start and end dates.
rooms_booking_manager_alter_rooms_booking_settings in modules/rooms_booking_manager/rooms_booking_manager.module
Alters for the 'rooms_booking_settings' form.
UnitPricingCalendar::calculatePrice in modules/rooms_pricing/includes/
Given a date range determine the cost of the room over that period.
_rooms_booking_manager_load_price_info in modules/rooms_booking_manager/
Loads the price information for a given unit type/price level combination.