You are here in Rooms - Drupal Booking for Hotels, B&Bs and Vacation Rentals 7

Contains the main integration points with Drupal Commerce - eventually all commerce-related functions should be moved here.


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 * @file
 * Contains the main integration points with Drupal Commerce - eventually all
 * commerce-related functions should be moved here.

 * Creates a commerce line item related to a booking.
 * @param array $unit_to_book
 *   Unit to book.
 * @param AvailabilityAgent $agent
 *   Availability Agent to perform availability checkings.
 * @param array $booking_size
 *   Number of guests information.
 * @param array $price_modifiers
 *   Price modifiers to apply.
 * @return object
 *   The line_item created.
function rooms_create_line_item($unit_to_book, AvailabilityAgent $agent, $booking_size, $price_modifiers = array()) {
  $date_format = variable_get('rooms_date_format', 'd-m-Y');
  $unit_id = $unit_to_book['unit']->unit_id;
  $status = $unit_to_book['state'];
  $unit = rooms_unit_load($unit_id);
  $unit_type = rooms_unit_type_load($unit->type);

  // Set the correct departure date for the product name (checkout day).
  $dd = new DateTime($agent->end_date
    ->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
  $product_id = variable_get('rooms_booking_manager_booking_product_id', 0);
  $room_product = commerce_product_load($product_id);
  $line_item = commerce_product_line_item_new($room_product, 1, 0, array(), 'rooms_booking');

  // Product name - we set something that will make sense to the user here.
  $nights = $dd
  $line_item_label = rooms_string(t('Booking for') . ' ' . $unit_type->label . ' (' . format_plural($nights, '1 Night', '@count Nights') . '; ' . t('Arrival') . ': ' . $agent->start_date
    ->format($date_format) . ' ' . t('Departure') . ': ' . $dd
    ->format($date_format) . ')', $context = array(
    '#component' => 'rooms_booking_manager',
    '#purpose' => 'rooms_create_line_item',
    '#data' => array(
      'unit' => $unit_to_book,
      'unit_id' => $unit_id,
      'unit_type' => $unit_type->label,
      'arrival' => $agent->start_date,
      'departure' => $dd,
      'nights' => $nights,
  $line_item->line_item_label = $line_item_label;
  $unit_info = $agent
    ->checkAvailabilityForUnit($unit_id, $price_modifiers);

  // Check $unit_info to make sure we still have availability.
  if ($unit_info == ROOMS_NO_ROOMS) {
    form_set_error('', t('We apologize for the inconvenience; this unit is no longer available.'));
  else {

    // If available set price and create line item.
    $unit_first = array_pop($unit_info);
    $price = $unit_first['price'];

    // Convert to integer value as this is what Commerce expects.
    $price = commerce_currency_decimal_to_amount($price, commerce_default_currency());

    // We do not need to setup the line item's commerce_unit_price here, as it
    // will be overwritten with the values from the product entity anyway.
    // Setting commerce unit price to the correct value is now done completely
    // by the function rooms_booking_manager_price_apply()
    // in rooms_booking_manager.module.
    $commerce_dates = array(
      LANGUAGE_NONE => array(
          'value' => $agent->start_date
            ->format('Y-m-d') . 'T00:00:00',
          'value2' => $dd
            ->format('Y-m-d') . 'T00:00:00',
    $commerce_unit = array(
      LANGUAGE_NONE => array(
          'value' => $unit->unit_id,
    $commerce_status = array(
      LANGUAGE_NONE => array(
          'value' => $status,
    $commerce_price = array(
      LANGUAGE_NONE => array(
          'value' => $price,
    $booking_price = array(
      LANGUAGE_NONE => array(
          'value' => $unit_first['booking_price'],
    $group_size = array(
      LANGUAGE_NONE => array(
          'value' => isset($booking_size['adults']) ? $booking_size['adults'] : 0,
          'value' => isset($booking_size['children']) ? $booking_size['children'] : 0,
    $childrens_age = array(
      LANGUAGE_NONE => array(),
    if (isset($booking_size['childrens_age'])) {
      foreach ($booking_size['childrens_age'] as $age) {
        $childrens_age[LANGUAGE_NONE][]['value'] = $age;
    $price_options = array();
    foreach ($price_modifiers as $mod) {
      $price_options[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = array(
        'name' => $mod['#name'],
        'quantity' => $mod['#quantity'],
        'operation' => $mod['#op_type'],
        'value' => $mod['#amount'],
    $line_item->rooms_booking_children_ages = $childrens_age;
    $line_item->rooms_booking_number_people = $group_size;
    $line_item->rooms_booking_dates = $commerce_dates;
    $line_item->rooms_booked_unit_id = $commerce_unit;
    $line_item->rooms_booked_status = $commerce_status;
    $line_item->rooms_booked_price = $commerce_price;
    $line_item->rooms_booked_bookingprice = $booking_price;
    $line_item->rooms_booking_options = $price_options;
    $context = array(
      'unit' => $unit_to_book,
      'unit_id' => $unit_id,
      'unit_type' => $unit_type->label,
      'arrival' => $agent->start_date,
      'departure' => $dd,
      'nights' => $nights,
    drupal_alter('rooms_create_line_item', $line_item, $context);
    return $line_item;


Namesort descending Description
rooms_create_line_item Creates a commerce line item related to a booking.