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abstract public function RoomsCalendar::getRawDayData in Rooms - Drupal Booking for Hotels, B&Bs and Vacation Rentals 7

Given a date range it returns all data within that range including the start and end dates of states. The MySQL queries are kept simple and then the data is cleared up.


DateTime $start_date: The starting date

DateTime $end_date: The end date of our range

Return value

array An array of the structure data[unitid][year][month][days][d1]..[d31] as week as data[unitid][year][month][unique_states]

Overrides RoomsCalendarInterface::getRawDayData

2 methods override RoomsCalendar::getRawDayData()
UnitCalendar::getRawDayData in modules/rooms_availability/includes/
Given a date range it returns all data within that range including the start and end dates of states. The MySQL queries are kept simple and then the data is cleared up.
UnitPricingCalendar::getRawDayData in modules/rooms_pricing/includes/
Given a date range it returns all data within that range including the start and end dates of states. The MySQL queries are kept simple and then the data is cleared up.


includes/, line 97


Handles querying and updating the availability information relative to a single bookable unit.


public abstract function getRawDayData(DateTime $start_date, DateTime $end_date);