7 calls to role_export_roles() in Role Export 6
- role_export_drush_exit in ./
role_export.module - Implements hook_drush_exit().
- role_export_features_export_options in ./
role_export.module - Implements hook_features_export_options().
- role_export_features_export_render in ./
role_export.module - Implements hook_features_export_render().
- role_export_features_rebuild in ./
role_export.module - Implements hook_features_rebuild().
- role_export_form_alter in ./
role_export.module - Implements hook_form_alter().
- role_export_normalize in ./
role_export.module - Ensure that all rids are hashes of their machine_name.
- role_export_role_machine_name_validate in ./
role_export.module - Ensure the machine_name of the new role is valid and doesn't already exist.