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public function RoleDelegationOperationsTestCase::testOperationsExist in Role Delegation 7

Check that the right combination of Add and Remove role operations is present in the user bulk update form.


./role_delegation.test, line 215
Tests for the Role Delegation module.


Functional tests for operations.


public function testOperationsExist() {
    ->assertFieldByXPath('//select[@name="operation"]//option', "role_delegation_add_role-{$this->rid_low}", t("!user user can use Add !role role operation.", array(
    '!user' => 'High',
    '!role' => 'low',
  )), t('Role Delegation'));
    ->assertFieldByXPath('//select[@name="operation"]//option', "role_delegation_remove_role-{$this->rid_low}", t("!user user can use Remove !role role operation.", array(
    '!user' => 'High',
    '!role' => 'low',
  )), t('Role Delegation'));
    ->assertNoFieldByXPath('//select[@name="operation"]//option', "role_delegation_add_role-{$this->rid_high}", t("!user user can't use Add !role role operation.", array(
    '!user' => 'High',
    '!role' => 'high',
  )), t('Role Delegation'));
    ->assertNoFieldByXPath('//select[@name="operation"]//option', "role_delegation_remove_role-{$this->rid_high}", t("!user user can't use Remove !role role operation.", array(
    '!user' => 'High',
    '!role' => 'high',
  )), t('Role Delegation'));