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RngContactTypeInterface.php in RNG Contact 8


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namespace Drupal\rng_contact\Entity;

use Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface;

 * Provides an interface for contact type entity.
interface RngContactTypeInterface extends ConfigEntityInterface {

   * Get the email field to use for Courier email communications.
   * @return string|NULL
   *   The email field to use for Courier email communications.
  public function getCourierEmailField();

   * Set the email field to use for Courier email communications.
   * @param string|NULL $courier_email_field
   *   The email field to use for Courier email communications.
   * @return $this
   *   Return this contact type for chaining.
  public function setCourierEmailField($courier_email_field);



Namesort descending Description
RngContactTypeInterface Provides an interface for contact type entity.