revisioning_scheduler.module in Revisioning 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
Allows revisions to be published at specified dates and times.
Authors: Zombienaute (,aka Adam Bramley <> zepner ( RdeBoer (
revisioning_scheduler/revisioning_scheduler.moduleView source
* @file
* Allows revisions to be published at specified dates and times.
* Authors:
* Zombienaute (,aka Adam Bramley <>
* zepner (
* RdeBoer (
* Implements hook_menu().
function revisioning_scheduler_menu() {
$items = array();
// Put the administrative settings under Content on the Configuration page.
$items['admin/config/content/revisioning_scheduler'] = array(
'title' => 'Revisioning Scheduler',
'description' => 'Set the format for entering publication dates',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
return $items;
* Menu callback for admin settings.
function revisioning_scheduler_admin_configure() {
$date_format = variable_get('revisioning_scheduler_date_format');
if (empty($date_format)) {
$date_format = $default_date_format;
$help_text = t('Date and time must be separated by a space. See this <a target="_blank" href="!php_manual_page">manual page</a> for available symbols and their meaning.', array(
'!php_manual_page' => '',
$t_args = array(
'%date_format' => $default_date_format,
'%date' => date($date_format),
$form['revisioning_scheduler_date_format'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#size' => 25,
'#title' => t('Format used for entering publication dates'),
'#default_value' => $date_format,
'#description' => $help_text . '<br/>' . ($date_format == $default_date_format ? t('The default input format %date_format is used. <br/>Time now in this format: %date.', $t_args) : t('Time now in above format: %date <br/>If left blank the date input format defaults to %date_format', $t_args)),
$form['revisioning_scheduler_on_edit_form'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Allow publication dates to be scheduled on the content edit form'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('revisioning_scheduler_on_edit_form', TRUE),
'#description' => t('In addition publication dates may be scheduled when you press the Publish or Revert links.'),
return system_settings_form($form);
* Implements hook_form_BASEFORMID_alter().
* This function adds a publication date & time field to the Edit form.
* It also loads a small javascript file, which controls visibility of the field
* in response to clicks on the revision moderation radio-buttons.
function revisioning_scheduler_form_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if (!empty($form['#node_edit_form']) && variable_get('revisioning_scheduler_on_edit_form', TRUE)) {
$node = $form_state['node'];
if (!user_access('administer nodes')) {
// If the node is already published then scheduling a publication date is
// inappropriate, unless the new revision goes into moderation.
// The exception are users with 'administer nodes' permission, as they
// can change the Published checkbox and moderation radio buttons, so we
// have to deal with that client-side, see file revision-schedule.js
if ($node->status == NODE_PUBLISHED) {
if (empty($node->revision_moderation) && !(empty($node->nid) && revisioning_content_is_moderated($node->type, $node))) {
// No moderation specified and not a new node of a type subject to
// moderation.
if (!revisioning_user_node_access('publish revisions', $node)) {
// Don't offer the form if auto-publish is enabled for this node and user.
if (revisioning_user_may_auto_publish($node)) {
$date_format = variable_get('revisioning_scheduler_date_format');
if (empty($date_format)) {
$description1 = t('Please use this format: %format, e.g %datetime. If you enter "now" this content will be published immediately.', array(
'%format' => $date_format,
'%datetime' => format_date(time(), 'custom', $date_format),
$description2 = t('If you do not wish to schedule publication, leave the field blank.');
if (isset($node->vid)) {
$result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {revisioning_scheduler} WHERE revision_vid = :vid', array(
':vid' => $node->vid,
$revision = $result
$scheduled_datetime = empty($revision) ? '' : format_date($revision['revision_date'], 'custom', $date_format);
$form['revision_information']['publication_date'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#size' => 25,
'#maxlength' => 25,
'#title' => t('Optionally schedule a date and time for publication'),
'#description' => $description1 . ' ' . $description2,
'#default_value' => $scheduled_datetime,
'#weight' => 10,
'#attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
$form['#attached']['js'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'revisioning_scheduler') . '/revision-schedule.js';
* Implements hook_form_alter().
* Adds date and time fields to the publication and reverting forms.
* Also shows the entered date and time on the revisions summary.
function revisioning_scheduler_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
switch ($form_id) {
case 'revisioning_publish_confirm':
case 'node_revision_revert_confirm':
$vid = arg(3);
$result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {revisioning_scheduler} WHERE revision_vid = :vid', array(
':vid' => $vid,
$revision = $result
if (!empty($revision)) {
drupal_set_message(t('This revision was already scheduled by !username for publication on %date. You may override this date and time.', array(
'%date' => format_date($revision['revision_date']),
'!username' => theme('username', array(
'account' => user_load($revision['revision_uid']),
)), 'warning', FALSE);
$date_format = variable_get('revisioning_scheduler_date_format');
if (empty($date_format)) {
$date_and_time = explode(' ', date($date_format));
$form['revisioning_scheduler_date'] = array(
'#title' => $form_id == 'node_revision_revert_confirm' ? t('Date for reversion') : t('Date for publication'),
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#description' => t('Enter the date you want this revision to be published.'),
'#maxlength' => 10,
'#size' => 10,
'#default_value' => $date_and_time[0],
'#weight' => -1,
$form['revisioning_scheduler_time'] = array(
'#title' => $form_id == 'node_revision_revert_confirm' ? t('Time for reversion') : t('Time for publication'),
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#maxlength' => 5,
'#size' => 5,
'#default_value' => $date_and_time[1],
'#description' => t('Enter the time you want this revision to be published. Use the 24 hour clock.'),
'#weight' => 0,
case 'revisioning_revisions_summary':
$result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {revisioning_scheduler} WHERE revision_nid = :nid', array(
':nid' => arg(1),
foreach ($result as $revision) {
if ($revision->revision_date > time()) {
$form['info'][$revision->revision_vid]['#markup'] .= '<br/>' . t('Scheduled for publication on %date.', array(
'%date' => format_date($revision->revision_date, 'long'),
else {
$form['info'][$revision->revision_vid]['#markup'] .= '<br/>' . t('Scheduled for publication at next cron run.');
* Implements hook_validate().
function revisioning_publish_confirm_validate($node, &$form) {
$date = check_plain($_POST['revisioning_scheduler_date']);
$date_format = variable_get('revisioning_scheduler_date_format');
if (empty($date_format)) {
$date_only_format = drupal_substr($date_format, 0, strpos($date_format, ' '));
if (strtotime($date) < strtotime(date($date_only_format))) {
form_set_error('revisioning_scheduler_date', t('The publication date you set is in the past.'));
else {
$time = check_plain($_POST['revisioning_scheduler_time']);
$scheduled_time = strtotime($date . $time);
// Add 90 seconds of slack to give user a chance to publish instantly by
// leaving time as is.
if ($scheduled_time < time() - REVISIONING_SCHEDULER_SLACK) {
form_set_error('revisioning_scheduler_time', t('The publication time you set is in the past.'));
* Implements hook_revisionapi().
* @see revisioning/
function revisioning_scheduler_revisionapi($op, $node) {
switch ($op) {
case 'pre publish':
case 'post revert':
if (empty($_POST['revisioning_scheduler_date'])) {
$date = check_plain($_POST['revisioning_scheduler_date']);
$time = check_plain($_POST['revisioning_scheduler_time']);
$result = _revisioning_scheduler_schedule_publication($date, $time, $node);
if (isset($result)) {
// This will abort the current publication operation.
return FALSE;
// The revision is being deleted. If it is scheduled for publishing, i.e.
// vid exists in {revisioning_scheduler} table, remove the scheduler entry.
case 'pre delete':
* Implements hook_node_presave().
* Called when saving, be it an edit or when creating a node.
* Picks up the value for the scheduled publication date (if entered) and
* decides whether the node should be published immediately or scheduled for a
* later date.
function revisioning_scheduler_node_presave($node) {
if (!isset($node->nid)) {
// This may happen when importing files using Feeds module.
if (empty($node->revision_moderation) || !empty($node->auto_publish)) {
elseif (!empty($node->publication_date)) {
$datetime = explode(' ', trim($node->publication_date));
$date = $datetime[0];
$time = isset($datetime[1]) ? $datetime[1] : '00:00';
$node->publication_date = "{$date} {$time}";
$scheduled_time = strtotime($node->publication_date);
if ($date == 'now' || $scheduled_time > time() - REVISIONING_SCHEDULER_SLACK && $scheduled_time <= time()) {
// Publish immediately without scheduling.
// Follow the default saving process making this revision current and
// published, as opposed to pending.
$node->status = NODE_PUBLISHED;
else {
// Schedule publication date.
// Publication date does not apply in this situation.
* Implements hook_node_insert().
* Called when a new node has just been created.
function revisioning_scheduler_node_insert($node) {
* Implements hook_node_update().
* This hook was chosen to invoke the scheduler because at this point vid has
* the new value.
function revisioning_scheduler_node_update($node) {
if (empty($node->publication_date)) {
else {
$datetime = explode(' ', $node->publication_date);
_revisioning_scheduler_schedule_publication($datetime[0], $datetime[1], $node);
* Implements hook_node_delete().
function revisioning_scheduler_node_delete($node) {
// Delete scheduled publication of revisions of the deleted node.
* Implements hook_cron().
* If there are any revisions with times that have passed, then publish them
* and delete them from the database.
function revisioning_scheduler_cron() {
module_load_include('inc', 'revisioning', 'revisioning_api');
$result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {revisioning_scheduler} WHERE revision_date <= :date', array(
':date' => time(),
foreach ($result as $revision) {
if ($node_revision = node_load($revision->revision_nid, $revision->revision_vid)) {
* Schedule the supplied node for publication at the supplied date & time.
* @param string $date
* Publication date as a string, e.g. '25-12-2012'
* @param string $time
* Publication time as a string, e.g. '23:59'
* @param object $node
* The node object
* @return null|bool
* TRUE: revision successfully scheduled
* empty: revision not scheduled, should be published immediately
* FALSE: error, date & time in the past or database error
function _revisioning_scheduler_schedule_publication($date, $time, $node) {
$date = trim($date);
$time = trim($time);
if (empty($time)) {
$time = '00:00';
$scheduled_time = strtotime($date . $time);
if ($scheduled_time > time() - REVISIONING_SCHEDULER_SLACK) {
if ($scheduled_time <= time()) {
// Schedule immediately.
global $user;
$data = array(
'revision_nid' => $node->nid,
'revision_vid' => $node->vid,
'revision_uid' => $user->uid,
'revision_date' => $scheduled_time,
if (drupal_write_record('revisioning_scheduler', $data)) {
if ($scheduled_time > time()) {
drupal_set_message(t('Revision scheduled for publication at %time on %date.', array(
'%time' => $time,
'%date' => $date,
else {
// Should never get here.
drupal_set_message(t('Revision will be published at next cron run.'));
return TRUE;
drupal_set_message(t('Publication could not be scheduled at this date & time: %date %time.', array(
'%date' => $date,
'%time' => $time,
)), 'error');
return FALSE;
* Delete all scheduled publication dates for this node, if any.
* @param int $nid
* the unique node id
function _revisioning_scheduler_unschedule_all_revisions($nid) {
return db_delete('revisioning_scheduler')
->condition('revision_nid', $nid)
* Check if there is a scheduled publication date for this revision.
* If so delete that date.
* @param int $vid
* the unique revision id
function _revisioning_scheduler_unschedule($vid) {
return db_delete('revisioning_scheduler')
->condition('revision_vid', $vid)
* Register View API information.
function revisioning_scheduler_views_api() {
return array(
'api' => views_api_version(),
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'revisioning_scheduler'),
Name![]() |
Description |
REVISIONING_SCHEDULER_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT | @file Allows revisions to be published at specified dates and times. |