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7 calls to revisioning_get_latest_revision_id() in Revisioning 6.4

revisioning_handler_field_node_state::render in views/
Implement the rendering of the state value.
_revisioning_edit in ./revisioning.module
Callback for the primary Edit tab.
_revisioning_form_submit in ./
Handler for the 'Save' button on the edit form.
_revisioning_load_op in ./revisioning.module
_revisioning_view in ./revisioning.module
Menu callback for the primary View tab.
_revisioning_view_edit_access_callback in ./revisioning.module
Access callback for 'node/%', 'node/%/view' and 'node/%/edit' links that may appear anywhere on the site. At the time that this function is called the CURRENT revision will already have been loaded by the system. However…
_theme_revisions_pending_block in ./