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reviews-no-reviews.tpl.php in Reviews 7

Theme template file used to format the reviews page of enabled content types when there are no reviews. $variables: nid: the node ID of the main node being viewed.


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 * @file
 * Theme template file used to format the reviews page of enabled content
 * types when there are no reviews.
 * $variables:
 *  nid: the node ID of the main node being viewed.
<div class="reviews no-reviews">
  <div class="clearfix">

print t('There are currently no reviews for this content.');

print t('Why not be the first to review it');
?> - <?php

print l(t('click here'), 'node/' . $variables['nid'] . '/add-review');
  <div class="reviews-back-to-page">

print l(t('Back to page'), 'node/' . $variables['nid']);