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public function RestrictIpAdminUiTest::testRestrictIpAdminPage in Restrict IP 3.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 tests/src/Functional/RestrictIpAdminUiTest.php \Drupal\Tests\restrict_ip\Functional\RestrictIpAdminUiTest::testRestrictIpAdminPage()
  2. 8 tests/src/Functional/RestrictIpAdminUiTest.php \Drupal\Tests\restrict_ip\Functional\RestrictIpAdminUiTest::testRestrictIpAdminPage()

* Test that the admin UI page is properly linked to, that all the required elements * exist, and that the form is working properly


tests/src/Functional/RestrictIpAdminUiTest.php, line 21


@group restrict_ip




public function testRestrictIpAdminPage() {
  $account = $this
    'administer restricted ip addresses',
    'access administration pages',
    'administer modules',

  // Test link exists on admin page (
    ->pageTextContains('Administer whitelisted IP addresses and related settings');
    ->clickLink('Restrict IP');

  // Test admin page exists
    ->pageTextContains('Enter the list of allowed IP addresses below');

  // Test that enable checkbox exists
    ->assertElementAttributeExists('#edit-enable', 'type');
    ->assertElementAttributeContains('#edit-enable', 'type', 'checkbox');

  // Test that enable Allowed IP address textarea exists
    ->assertElementAttributeExists('#edit-address-list', 'class');
    ->assertElementAttributeContains('#edit-address-list', 'class', 'form-textarea');

  // Test that enable Allowed IP address textarea exists
    ->assertElementAttributeExists('#edit-mail-address', 'type');
    ->assertElementAttributeContains('#edit-mail-address', 'type', 'text');

  // Test that the log accessess attempts checkbox doesn't exist
    ->elementNotExists('css', '#edit-dblog');

  // Enable dblog module

  // Test that the log accessess attempts checkbox now exists
    ->assertElementAttributeExists('#edit-dblog', 'type');
    ->assertElementAttributeContains('#edit-dblog', 'type', 'checkbox');

  // Test that allow role bypass checkbox exists
    ->assertElementAttributeExists('#edit-allow-role-bypass', 'type');
    ->assertElementAttributeContains('#edit-allow-role-bypass', 'type', 'checkbox');

  // Test that provide link to login page radio exists
    ->assertElementAttributeExists('#edit-bypass-action-provide-link-login-page', 'type');
    ->assertElementAttributeContains('#edit-bypass-action-provide-link-login-page', 'type', 'radio');

  // Test that redirect to login page radio exists
    ->assertElementAttributeExists('#edit-bypass-action-redirect-login-page', 'type');
    ->assertElementAttributeContains('#edit-bypass-action-redirect-login-page', 'type', 'radio');

  // Test that check IP addresses on all paths radio exists
    ->assertElementAttributeExists('#edit-white-black-list-0', 'type');
    ->assertElementAttributeContains('#edit-white-black-list-0', 'type', 'radio');

  // Test that check IP addresses on whitelisted paths radio exists
    ->assertElementAttributeExists('#edit-white-black-list-1', 'type');
    ->assertElementAttributeContains('#edit-white-black-list-1', 'type', 'radio');

  // Test that check IP addresses on blacklisted paths radio exists
    ->assertElementAttributeExists('#edit-white-black-list-2', 'type');
    ->assertElementAttributeContains('#edit-white-black-list-2', 'type', 'radio');

  // Test that whitelisted pages textarea exists

  // Test that blacklisted pages textarea exists

  // Fill in form values and submit
    ->fillTextValue('edit-address-list', '// Address 1' . PHP_EOL . '' . PHP_EOL . '# Address 2' . PHP_EOL . '' . PHP_EOL . '/**' . PHP_EOL . ' * Address 3' . PHP_EOL . ' */' . PHP_EOL . '');
    ->fillTextValue('edit-mail-address', '');
    ->fillTextValue('edit-page-whitelist', 'page/1' . PHP_EOL . '/page/2');
    ->fillTextValue('edit-page-blacklist', 'page/3' . PHP_EOL . '/page/4');

  // Check form values contain proper values
    ->elementExists('css', '#edit-address-list');
    ->assertTextValue('edit-address-list', '' . PHP_EOL . '' . PHP_EOL . '');
    ->assertTextValue('edit-mail-address', '');