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restrict_ip.api.php in Restrict IP 3.x

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  1. 8.2 restrict_ip.api.php
  2. 8 restrict_ip.api.php
  3. 7.2 restrict_ip.api.php

Hooks provided by the Restrict IP module.


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 * @file
 *    Hooks provided by the Restrict IP module.

 * Add regions to be whitelisted even when the user has been denied access
 * @return
 *   An array of keys representing regions to be allowed even when
 *   the user is denied access by IP. These keys can be found by
 *   in the .info file for the theme, as region[KEY] = Region Name
 *   where KEY is the key to be returned in the return array
 *   of this function.
function hook_restrict_ip_whitelisted_regions() {
  return [

 * Add js keys to be whitelisted even when the user has been denied access
 * @return
 *   An array of keys representing javascript files to be allowed even when
 *   the user is denied access by IP. These keys can be found by
 *   as the keys in hook_js_alter().
function hook_restrict_ip_whitelisted_js_keys() {
  return [

 * Alter the Restrict IP Access Denied page.
 * @param $page
 *   The render array for the access deneid page passed by reference.
function hook_restrict_ip_access_denied_page_alter(&$page) {
  $page['additional_information'] = [
    '#markup' => t('Additional information to be shown on the Restrict IP Access Denied page'),
    '#prefix' => '<p>',
    '#suffix' => '</p>',


Namesort descending Description
hook_restrict_ip_access_denied_page_alter Alter the Restrict IP Access Denied page.
hook_restrict_ip_whitelisted_js_keys Add js keys to be whitelisted even when the user has been denied access
hook_restrict_ip_whitelisted_regions Add regions to be whitelisted even when the user has been denied access