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restrict_ip.schema.yml in Restrict IP 8.2



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  1. restrict_ip.settings:
  2. type: config_object
  3. label: 'Restrict IP settings'
  4. mapping:
  5. enable:
  6. type: boolean
  7. label: 'Enable module'
  8. mail_address:
  9. type: string
  10. label: 'Contact mail address to show to blocked users'
  11. dblog:
  12. type: boolean
  13. label: 'Log blocked access attempts'
  14. allow_role_bypass:
  15. type: boolean
  16. label: 'Allow IP blocking to be bypassed by roles'
  17. bypass_action:
  18. type: string
  19. label: 'Action to perform for blocked users when bypassing by role is enabled'
  20. white_black_list:
  21. type: integer
  22. label: 'Whether to use a path whitelist, blacklist, or check all pages'
  23. country_white_black_list:
  24. type: integer
  25. label: 'Whether to use a whitelist, blacklist, or neither for countries'
  26. country_list:
  27. type: string
  28. label: 'A colon separated list of countries that should be white/black listed'