public function RestfulViewEntityTestCase::testHeaders in RESTful 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 tests/RestfulViewEntityTestCase.test \RestfulViewEntityTestCase::testHeaders()
Test the generation of the Vary headers.
- tests/
RestfulViewEntityTestCase.test, line 287 - Contains RestfulViewEntityTestCase
- RestfulViewEntityTestCase
- @file Contains RestfulViewEntityTestCase
public function testHeaders() {
$node = $this
'type' => 'article',
// When there is no header version passed in there is no need of Vary.
$response = $this
->assertFalse(preg_match('/X-API-Version/', $response['headers']), 'The Vary header was not added.');
// Make sure that the version header is present in the response.
->assertTrue(preg_match('/v1\\.1/', $response['headers']), 'The Vary header was added.');
$response = $this
->httpRequest('api/articles', \RestfulInterface::GET, NULL, array(
'X-API-Version' => 'v1.1',
->assertTrue(preg_match('/X-API-Version/', $response['headers']), 'The Vary header was added.');
// Make sure that the version header is present in the response.
->assertTrue(preg_match('/v1\\.1/', $response['headers']), 'The Vary header was added.');
// Test that if there is no explicit formatter in the plugin definition then
// it is selected based on the Accept header.
variable_set('restful_default_output_formatter', 'invalid');
$response = $this
->httpRequest('api/v1.0/articles/' . $node->nid, \RestfulInterface::GET, NULL, array(
'Accept' => 'application/hal+json',
->assertNotNull(drupal_json_decode($response['body']), 'JSON output detected.');
// Test XML selection.
$response = $this
->httpRequest('api/v1.0/articles/' . $node->nid, \RestfulInterface::GET, NULL, array(
'Accept' => 'application/xml',
->assertNotNull(new SimpleXMLElement($response['body']), 'XML output detected.');
// Test wildcard selection.
$response = $this
->httpRequest('api/v1.0/articles/' . $node->nid, \RestfulInterface::GET, NULL, array(
'Accept' => 'application/*',
->assertEqual($response['code'], 200, 'Some output format detected for wildcard Accept.');
// Test that plugin definition takes precedence.
$response = $this
->httpRequest('api/v1.6/articles/' . $node->nid, \RestfulInterface::GET, NULL, array(
'Accept' => 'application/hal+json',
->assertNotNull(new SimpleXMLElement($response['body']), 'Plugin definition takes precedence.');
// The following should resolve to the 'invalid' formatter. It should raise
// an exception.
$response = $this
->httpRequest('api/v1.0/articles/' . $node->nid, \RestfulInterface::GET, NULL, array(
'Accept' => 'non-existing',
->assertEqual($response['code'], 503, 'Error shown for invalid formatter.');