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public function RestfulRenderCacheTestCase::testRenderCache in RESTful 7.2

Test Render Cache.


tests/RestfulRenderCacheTestCase.test, line 39
Contains RestfulRenderCacheTestCase


Class RestfulRenderCacheTestCase.


public function testRenderCache() {
  $resource_manager = restful()
  $settings = array(
    'type' => 'article',
  $account = $this
  $num_articles = 3;
  for ($index = 0; $index < $num_articles; $index++) {
    $settings['title'] = 'Node title ' . $index;
    $node = $this
    $nodes[$node->nid] = $node;

  /* @var \Drupal\restful\Plugin\resource\Decorators\CacheDecoratedResourceInterface $handler */
  $handler = $resource_manager
  $cache = $handler

  // Make sure the cache is activated.
  $data_provider = $handler
  $options = $data_provider
  $cache_info = $options['renderCache'];
    ->assertTrue($cache_info['render'], 'Cache render is activated');

  // Empty the cache.
    ->clear('*', TRUE);
    ->isEmpty(), 'Cache render is empty.');

  // Test that cache is being generated correctly.
  // Get the articles.
  $formatter = restful()
    ->negotiateFormatter(NULL, 'json');
  $pre_cache_results = drupal_json_decode($formatter
  $pre_cache_results = $pre_cache_results['data'];

  // Make sure some cache entries are generated.
    ->isEmpty(), 'Cache render is being populated.');

  // Get the cached results.
  $post_cache_results = drupal_json_decode($formatter
  $post_cache_results = $post_cache_results['data'];

  // Make sure the cached results are the same as the non-cached results.
    ->assertEqual($pre_cache_results[0], $post_cache_results[0], 'Cached data is consistent.');

  // Get a cached result directly from the cache backend.
  $node = reset($nodes);
  $fragments = new ArrayCollection(array(
    'resource' => $handler
      ->getResourceName() . '#' . $node->nid,
    'entity' => 'node#' . $node->nid,
    'user_id' => (int) $account->uid,
    'formatter' => 'json',
  $cache_object = RenderCache::create($fragments, $handler
  $record = $cache_object
    ->assertEqual($pre_cache_results[0], $record->data, 'Data in cache bins is correct.');

  // Test that invalidation is clearing cache records.
  // 1. Update node and watch cache vanish.
  // Make sure the cache is activated.
  $input = array(
    'fields' => 'id,label',
    ->setRequest(Request::create('', $input));
    ->process(), 'json');
    ->assertTrue($cache_info['simpleInvalidate'], 'Cache render simple invalidation is activated');
  $node->title .= ' updated';
    ->get(), 'Cache record cleared correctly.');
    ->isEmpty(), 'Remaining cache items are intact after updating entity.');

  // Regenerate cache for $node.
    ->process(), 'json');
    ->setRequest(Request::create('', $input));
    ->process(), 'json');
    ->get(), 'Cache is being generated for non-list requests.');

  // 2. Update the user account. All cache records should be invalidated.
  $account->name .= ' updated';
    ->get(), 'Cache object has been cleared after updating a user.');

  // The cache fragment garbage collection happens on shutdown. For testing
  // purposes we'll call the function directly here.

  // Make sure that the cache fragment entities have been deleted.
  $query = new \EntityFieldQuery();

  /* @var \Drupal\restful\RenderCache\Entity\CacheFragmentController $controller */
  $controller = entity_get_controller('cache_fragment');
  $results = $query
    ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'cache_fragment')
    ->propertyCondition('hash', $controller
    ->assertEqual($results, 0, 'The cache fragment entities were deleted correctly.');

  // Test cache with request params.
  // Rebuild caches.
    ->clear('*', TRUE);
    ->setRequest(Request::create('', $input));
  $results_w_request = drupal_json_decode($formatter
  $results_w_request = $results_w_request['data'];
  $cached_w_request = $cache_object

  // Check that the results with sparse fieldsets only contain the selected
  // fields, but the cache contains all fields.
    ->assertEqual(array_keys($results_w_request[0]), array(
  ), 'Response contains only the selected fields.');
    ->assertEqual(array_keys($cached_w_request), array(
  ), 'Cached object contains all the selected fields.');

  // Test helper functions.
  foreach ($nodes as $nid => $entity) {

    // Populate the cache.
      ->process(), 'json');
      ->setRequest(Request::create($nid, $input));
      ->process(), 'json');

  // Test PER_ROLE granularity.
    ->clear('*', TRUE);

  // Re-instantiate the data provider.
  $cache_info['granularity'] = DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_ROLE;
  $plugin_definition = $handler
  $plugin_definition['renderCache'] = $cache_info;
    ->process(), 'json');
  $role_fragments = new ArrayCollection(array(
    'resource' => $handler
      ->getResourceName() . '#' . $node->nid,
    'entity' => 'node#' . $node->nid,
    'user_role' => 'anonymous user,authenticated user',
    'formatter' => 'json',
    ->generateCacheHash($role_fragments)), 'Cache key contains role information.');