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RestfulForbiddenItemsTestCase.test in RESTful 7.2


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 * @file
 * Contains \RestfulForbiddenItemsTestCase.
use Drupal\restful\Exception\InaccessibleRecordException;
use Drupal\restful\Http\Request;
use Drupal\restful\Plugin\resource\Field\ResourceFieldCollectionInterface;

 * Class RestfulForbiddenItemsTestCase.
class RestfulForbiddenItemsTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Forbidden Items',
      'description' => 'Tests handling access denied items.',
      'group' => 'RESTful',

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
    restful_test_add_fields('node', 'article');

   * Tests access denied in lists and single elements.
  public function testAccessDenied() {
    $account = $this
    $nids = $this
    $resource_manager = restful()
    $handler = $resource_manager
      ->assertTrue((bool) $handler
    try {
        ->fail('There should be a Forbidden exception.');
    } catch (InaccessibleRecordException $e) {
        ->getCode(), 404);
        ->getMessage(), InaccessibleRecordException::ERROR_404_MESSAGE);
    variable_set('restful_show_access_denied', TRUE);
    $handler = $resource_manager
      ->assertTrue((bool) $handler
    try {
        ->fail('There should be a Forbidden exception.');
    } catch (InaccessibleRecordException $e) {
        ->getCode(), 403);
        ->getMessage(), InaccessibleRecordException::ERROR_404_MESSAGE);

    // When we include the related entities we are loading the referenced
    // entity, that's when we check for the entity access. If we are only
    // getting the list of IDs we don't know which entities will be accessible
    // or not.
    $handler = $resource_manager
      ->setRequest(Request::create(NULL, array(
      'include' => 'entity_reference_single,entity_reference_multiple',
    $response = $handler
    $returned_nids = array_map(function (ResourceFieldCollectionInterface $item) {
      return $item
    }, $response);
      ->assertTrue(count($response) == 2 && !in_array($nids[1], $returned_nids), 'Listing a denied node removes it from the listing.');
    $formatter = restful()
    $results = $formatter
      ->assertEqual(count($results['data'][0]['relationships']['entity_reference_multiple']['data']), 1, 'The inaccessible node is not present in the relationship.');

    // Avoid count or pagination problems due to denied items.

    // Make sure that denied items in the related elements do not alter the top
    // level count incorrectly.
    $handler = $resource_manager
      ->setRequest(Request::create(NULL, array(
      'include' => 'entity_reference_single,entity_reference_multiple',
    $response = $handler
    $results = $formatter
      ->assertEqual(count($results['data'][0]['relationships']['entity_reference_multiple']['data']), 1, 'The count is not altered incorrectly.');
      ->assertEqual(count($results['meta']['denied']), 1, 'Denied elements are reported.');

    // Same test without the includes should yield the same results.
    $handler = $resource_manager
      ->setRequest(Request::create(NULL, array(
      'range' => 1,
    $response = $handler
    $results = $formatter
      ->assertEqual(count($results['data'][0]['relationships']['entity_reference_multiple']['data']), 1, 'Access checks are applied when the entity is not included.');
      ->assertTrue(empty($results['meta']['denied']), 'No denied item was detected.');

   * Adds some content to be retrieved.
   * @param int $uid
   *   The owner ID.
   * @return int[]
   *   The entity IDs.
  protected function createEntityWithReferences($uid) {
    $node1 = (object) array(
      'title' => t('Node 1'),
      'type' => 'article',
      'uid' => $uid,
    $node2 = (object) array(
      'title' => t('Node 2'),
      'type' => 'article',
      'uid' => $uid,
    $node3 = (object) array(
      'title' => t('Node 3'),
      'type' => 'article',
      'uid' => $uid,

    // Set some references to node1.
    $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $node1);
    $wrapper->entity_reference_multiple[] = $node2;
    $wrapper->entity_reference_multiple[] = $node3;
    return array(



Namesort descending Description
RestfulForbiddenItemsTestCase Class RestfulForbiddenItemsTestCase.