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public function RestfulCreateEntityTestCase::testFileUploadAccess in RESTful 7.2

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  1. 7 tests/RestfulCreateEntityTestCase.test \RestfulCreateEntityTestCase::testFileUploadAccess()

Test access for file upload.


tests/RestfulCreateEntityTestCase.test, line 215
Contains RestfulCreateEntityTestCase


Class RestfulCreateEntityTestCase.


public function testFileUploadAccess() {
  variable_set('restful_file_upload', TRUE);
  variable_set('restful_file_upload_allow_anonymous_user', TRUE);

  // Make sure the user is logged out even when using the UI tests.

  // Test access for anonymous user (allowed).
  $handler = $this
    ->access(), 'File upload is allowed to anonymous users.');
  variable_set('restful_file_upload_allow_anonymous_user', FALSE);

  // Now that we have a successfully uploaded file, make sure it's the same
  // file that was uploaded.
  $response = drupal_json_decode(restful()
  $original = hash_file('md5', $this->imagePath);
  $file = file_load($response['data'][0][0]['id']);
  $uploaded = hash_file('md5', file_create_url($file->uri));
    ->assertEqual($original, $uploaded, 'Original and uploaded file are identical.');

  // Test access for anonymous user (denied).
  $handler = $this
    ->access(), 'File upload is denied to anonymous users.');

  // Test access for authenticated users (allowed).
  $handler = $this
    ->access(), 'File upload is allowed to authenticated users.');

  // Test access for authenticated users (denied).
  variable_set('restful_file_upload', FALSE);
  try {
      ->fail('The file upload endpoint is not disalbed.');
  } catch (\Drupal\restful\Exception\ServiceUnavailableException $e) {
      ->pass('The file upload endpoint is disalbed.');