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function RestfulAuthenticationTestCase::testAuthentication in RESTful 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 tests/RestfulAuthenticationTestCase.test \RestfulAuthenticationTestCase::testAuthentication()

Test authenticating a user.


tests/RestfulAuthenticationTestCase.test, line 79
Contains RestfulAuthenticationTestCase.


Class RestfulAuthenticationTestCase.


function testAuthentication() {

  // Start a session just in case we're executing the code from CLI.
  global $user;
  $resource_manager = restful()
  $request = Request::create('');
  $handler = $resource_manager

  // Case 1. Check that the handler has the expected authentication providers.
  $providers = array_keys($this->pluginManager
  $plugin_definition = $handler
  foreach ($plugin_definition['authenticationTypes'] as $provider_name) {
      ->assertTrue(in_array($provider_name, $providers), format_string('The %name authorization type was found.', array(
      '%name' => $provider_name,

  // Case 2. Test that the account from the authentication manager is the
  // logged in user.
  // We need to hijack the global user object in order to force it to be our
  // test account and make the cookie authentication provider to resolve it.
  $user = $this->account;
    ->assertEqual($this->account->uid, $handler
    ->getAccount(FALSE)->uid, 'The authentication manager resolved the currently logged in user.');
  $cookie_provider = $this->pluginManager

  // Case 3. Test the 'cookie_auth' authentication provider.
    ->assertEqual($this->account->uid, $cookie_provider
    ->authenticate($request)->uid, 'The cookie provider resolved the currently logged in user.');
  $user = drupal_anonymous_user();

  // Case 4. Test that the 'cookie_auth' resolves the anonymous user.
    ->assertEqual(0, $cookie_provider
    ->authenticate($request)->uid, 'The cookie provider resolved the anonymous user.');
  $basic_auth_provider = $this->pluginManager

  // Case 5. Valid login using basic auth.
  $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = $this->account->name;
  $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = $this->account->pass_raw;
    ->assertEqual($this->account->uid, $basic_auth_provider
    ->authenticate($request)->uid, 'The basic auth provider resolved the currently logged in user.');

  // Case 6. Valid login using REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION.
  $_SERVER['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = 'Basic ' . base64_encode($this->account->name . ':' . $this->account->pass_raw);
    ->assertEqual($this->account->uid, $basic_auth_provider
    ->authenticate($request)->uid, 'The basic auth provider resolved the currently logged in user. Using REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION.');

  // Case 7. Invalid pass for basic auth.
  $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = $this->account->name;
  $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = $this
    ->authenticate($request), 'The basic auth provider could not resolve a user with invalid password.');

  // Case 8. Invalid username for basic auth.
  $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = $this
  $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = $this->account->pass_raw;
    ->authenticate($request), 'The basic auth provider could not resolve a user with invalid username.');

  // Case 9. Valid login using REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION.
  $_SERVER['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = 'Basic ' . base64_encode($this
    ->randomName() . ':' . $this
    ->authenticate($request), 'The basic auth provider could not resolve a user with invalid encoded username & password. Using REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION.');

  // Case 11. Accessing a resource with optional authentication.
  // We are getting a 403 instead of 401, as the access is now based on the
  // permissions.
  user_role_change_permissions(DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID, array(
    'access user profiles' => FALSE,
  $handler = $resource_manager
  $result = drupal_json_decode(restful()
    ->process(), 'json'));
  $result = $result['data'];
    ->assertEqual($result[0]['self'], url('api/v1.0/users/0', array(
    'absolute' => TRUE,
    ->assertEqual(count($result), 1, 'The anonymous users can only see themselves.');

  // To assert permissions control access to the resource, we change the
  // permission for anonymous to access other user's profile.
  user_role_change_permissions(DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID, array(
    'access user profiles' => TRUE,

  // If the process function does not throw an exception, the test passes.
    ->process(), 'json');