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CacheFragmentController.php in RESTful 7.2


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\restful\RenderCache\Entity\CacheFragmentController.
namespace Drupal\restful\RenderCache\Entity;

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Drupal\restful\Plugin\resource\Decorators\CacheDecoratedResource;

 * Class CacheFragmentController.
 * @package Drupal\restful\RenderCache\Entity
class CacheFragmentController extends \EntityAPIController {

   * The type name of the cache fragment entity.
  const ENTITY_TYPE = 'cache_fragment';

   * The name of the DB table holding the entities.
   * @var string
  protected static $tableName;

   * The name of the property that contains the ID of the entity.
   * @var string
  protected static $tableIdKey;

   * Creates all the caches tags from the tag collection.
   * @param ArrayCollection $cache_fragments
   *   The collection of tags.
   * @return CacheFragment[]
   *   An array of fragments.
  public function createCacheFragments(ArrayCollection $cache_fragments) {
    $hash = $this
    if ($fragments = $this
      ->existingFragments($hash)) {
      return $fragments;
    foreach ($cache_fragments as $tag_type => $tag_value) {
      $cache_fragment = new CacheFragment(array(
        'value' => $tag_value,
        'type' => $tag_type,
        'hash' => $hash,
      ), static::ENTITY_TYPE);
      try {
        if ($id = $this
          ->save($cache_fragment)) {
          $fragments[] = $cache_fragment;
      } catch (\Exception $e) {

        // Log the exception. It's probably a duplicate fragment.
        watchdog_exception('restful', $e);
    return $fragments;

   * Gets the existing fragments for a given hash.
   * @param string $hash
   *   The hash.
   * @return CacheFragment[]
   *   An array of fragments.
  protected function existingFragments($hash) {
    $query = new \EntityFieldQuery();
    $results = $query
      ->entityCondition('entity_type', static::ENTITY_TYPE)
      ->propertyCondition('hash', $hash)
    return empty($results[static::ENTITY_TYPE]) ? array() : $this

   * Generated the cache hash based on the cache fragments collection.
   * @param ArrayCollection $cache_fragments
   *   The collection of tags.
   * @return string
   *   The generated hash.
  public function generateCacheHash(ArrayCollection $cache_fragments) {
    return substr(sha1(serialize($cache_fragments
      ->toArray())), 0, 40);

   * Gets the hashes for an EFQ.
   * @param \EntityFieldQuery $query
   *   The EFQ.
   * @return string[]
   *   The hashes that meet the conditions.
  public static function lookUpHashes(\EntityFieldQuery $query) {
    $results = $query
    if (empty($results[static::ENTITY_TYPE])) {
      return array();
    $fragment_ids = array_keys($results[static::ENTITY_TYPE]);
    $hashes = db_query('SELECT hash FROM {' . static::getTableName() . '} WHERE ' . static::getTableIdkey() . ' IN (:ids)', array(
      ':ids' => $fragment_ids,
    return $hashes;

   * Removes all the cache fragments.
  public function wipe() {

    // We are not truncating the entity table so hooks are fired.
    $query = new \EntityFieldQuery();
    $results = $query
      ->entityCondition('entity_type', static::ENTITY_TYPE)
    if (empty($results[static::ENTITY_TYPE])) {
    if ($this
      ->isFastDeleteEnabled()) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function delete($ids, \DatabaseTransaction $transaction = NULL) {
    if ($this
      ->isFastDeleteEnabled()) {
        ->fastDelete($ids, $transaction);
    parent::delete($ids, $transaction);

   * Do a fast delete without loading entities of firing delete hooks.
   * @param array $ids
   *   An array of entity IDs.
   * @param \DatabaseTransaction $transaction
   *   Optionally a DatabaseTransaction object to use. Allows overrides to pass
   *   in their transaction object.
   * @throws \Exception
   *   When there is a database error.
  protected function fastDelete($ids, \DatabaseTransaction $transaction = NULL) {
    $transaction = isset($transaction) ? $transaction : db_transaction();
    try {
        ->condition($this::getTableIdkey(), $ids, 'IN')

      // Reset the cache as soon as the changes have been applied.

      // Ignore slave server temporarily.
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      watchdog_exception($this->entityType, $e);
      throw $e;

   * Helper function that checks if this controller uses a fast delete.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if fast delete is enabled. FALSE otherwise.
  protected function isFastDeleteEnabled() {
    return (bool) variable_get('restful_fast_cache_clear', TRUE);

   * Get the resource ID for the selected hash.
   * @param string $hash
   *   The unique hash for the cache fragments.
   * @return string
   *   The resource ID.
  public static function resourceIdFromHash($hash) {
    $query = new \EntityFieldQuery();
    $results = $query
      ->entityCondition('entity_type', static::ENTITY_TYPE)
      ->propertyCondition('type', 'resource')
      ->propertyCondition('hash', $hash)
      ->range(0, 1)
    if (empty($results[static::ENTITY_TYPE])) {
      return NULL;
    $cache_fragment = entity_load_single(static::ENTITY_TYPE, key($results[static::ENTITY_TYPE]));
    $pos = strpos($cache_fragment->value, CacheDecoratedResource::CACHE_PAIR_SEPARATOR);
    return $pos === FALSE ? $cache_fragment->value : substr($cache_fragment->value, 0, $pos);

   * Gets the name of the table for the cache fragment entity.
   * @return string
   *   The name.
  protected static function getTableName() {
    if (static::$tableName) {
      return static::$tableName;

    // Get the hashes from the base table.
    $info = entity_get_info(static::ENTITY_TYPE);
    static::$tableName = $info['base table'];
    return static::$tableName;

   * Gets the name of the table for the cache fragment entity.
   * @return string
   *   The name.
  protected static function getTableIdkey() {
    if (static::$tableIdKey) {
      return static::$tableIdKey;

    // Get the hashes from the base table.
    $info = entity_get_info(static::ENTITY_TYPE);
    static::$tableIdKey = $info['entity keys']['id'];
    return static::$tableIdKey;



Namesort descending Description
CacheFragmentController Class CacheFragmentController.