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12 calls to HttpHeader::create() in RESTful 7.2

CacheDecoratedResource::view in src/Plugin/resource/Decorators/CacheDecoratedResource.php
Basic implementation for view.
DataProvider::setHttpHeader in src/Plugin/resource/DataProvider/DataProvider.php
Sets an HTTP header.
FormatterManager::processData in src/Formatter/FormatterManager.php
Helper function to get a formatter and apply a method.
HttpHeaderBag::__construct in src/Http/HttpHeaderBag.php
RateLimitManager::checkRateLimit in src/RateLimit/RateLimitManager.php
Checks if the current request has reached the rate limit.
Request::parseHeadersFromGlobals in src/Http/Request.php
Parses the header names and values from globals.
Resource::preflight in src/Plugin/resource/Resource.php
Adds the Allowed-Origin headers.
Resource::view in src/Plugin/resource/Resource.php
Basic implementation for view.
Response::prepare in src/Http/Response.php
Prepares the Response before it is sent to the client.
Response::setDate in src/Http/Response.php
Sets the Date header.
restful_menu_process_callback in ./restful.module
Page callback; Return the response for an API call.
_restful_build_http_api_error in ./restful.module
Helper function to build the structured array for the error output.