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public function RestfulFilesUpload::access in RESTful 7

Overrides RestfulEntityBase::access().

If "File entity" module exists, determine access by its provided permissions otherwise, check if variable is set to allow anonymous users to upload. Defaults to authenticated user.

Overrides RestfulBase::access


plugins/restful/RestfulFilesUpload.php, line 98
Contains RestfulFilesUpload.


@file Contains RestfulFilesUpload.


public function access() {

  // The getAccount method may return a RestfulUnauthorizedException when an
  // authenticated user cannot be found. Since this is called from the access
  // callback, not from the page callback we need to catch the exception.
  try {
    $account = $this
  } catch (\RestfulUnauthorizedException $e) {

    // If a user is not found then load the anonymous user to check
    // permissions.
    $account = drupal_anonymous_user();
  if (module_exists('file_entity')) {
    return user_access('bypass file access', $account) || user_access('create files', $account);
  return (variable_get('restful_file_upload_allow_anonymous_user', FALSE) || $account->uid) && parent::access();