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protected function RestfulDataProviderEFQ::getColumnFromProperty in RESTful 7

Get the DB column name from a property.

The "property" defined in the public field is actually the property of the entity metadata wrapper. Sometimes that property can be a different name than the column in the DB. For example, for nodes the "uid" property is mapped in entity metadata wrapper as "author", so we make sure to get the real column name.


string $property_name: The property name.

Return value

string The column name.

2 calls to RestfulDataProviderEFQ::getColumnFromProperty()
RestfulDataProviderEFQ::queryForListFilter in plugins/restful/RestfulDataProviderEFQ.php
Filter the query for list.
RestfulDataProviderEFQ::queryForListSort in plugins/restful/RestfulDataProviderEFQ.php
Sort the query for list.


plugins/restful/RestfulDataProviderEFQ.php, line 230
Contains \RestfulDataProviderEFQ


@file Contains \RestfulDataProviderEFQ


protected function getColumnFromProperty($property_name) {
  $property_info = entity_get_property_info($this
  return $property_info['properties'][$property_name]['schema field'];