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public function RestfulDataProviderDbQuery::mapDbRowToPublicFields in RESTful 7

Prepares the output array from the database row object.


object $row: The database row object.

Return value

array The structured array ready to be formatted.

Overrides RestfulDataProviderDbQueryInterface::mapDbRowToPublicFields

2 calls to RestfulDataProviderDbQuery::mapDbRowToPublicFields()
RestfulDataProviderDbQuery::index in plugins/restful/RestfulDataProviderDbQuery.php
Get a list of entities.
RestfulDataProviderDbQuery::viewMultiple in plugins/restful/RestfulDataProviderDbQuery.php
View a collection of items.


plugins/restful/RestfulDataProviderDbQuery.php, line 534
Contains \RestfulDataProviderDbQuery


@file Contains \RestfulDataProviderDbQuery


public function mapDbRowToPublicFields($row) {
  if ($this
    ->getMethod() == \RestfulInterface::GET) {

    // For read operations cache the result.
    $output = $this->staticCache
      ->get(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '::' . $this
    if (isset($output)) {
      return $output;
  else {

    // Clear the cache if the request is not GET.
      ->clear(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '::' . $this
  $output = array();

  // Loop over all the defined public fields.
  foreach ($this
    ->getPublicFields() as $public_field_name => $info) {
    $value = NULL;
    if ($info['create_or_update_passthrough']) {

      // The public field is a dummy one, meant only for passing data upon
      // create or update.

    // If there is a callback defined execute it instead of a direct mapping.
    if ($info['callback']) {
      $value = static::executeCallback($info['callback'], array(
    elseif ($info['property']) {
      $value = $row->{$info['property']};

    // Execute the process callbacks.
    if (isset($value) && $info['process_callbacks']) {
      foreach ($info['process_callbacks'] as $process_callback) {
        $value = static::executeCallback($process_callback, array(
    $output[$public_field_name] = $value;
  return $output;