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public static function RestfulBase::getResourceLastVersion in RESTful 7

Return the last version for a given resource.


string $resource_name: The name of the resource.

int $major_version: Get the last version for this major version. If NULL the last major version for the resource will be used.

Return value

array Array containing the major_version and minor_version.

4 calls to RestfulBase::getResourceLastVersion()
RestfulBase::getVersionFromRequest in plugins/restful/RestfulBase.php
Gets the major and minor version for the current request.
RestfulBase::parseVersionString in plugins/restful/RestfulBase.php
Parses the version string.
RestfulCToolsPluginsDiscovery::getPlugins in plugins/restful/ctools_plugins/1.0/RestfulCToolsPluginsDiscovery.class.php
Overrides \RestfulDataProviderCToolsPlugins::getPlugins().
RestfulEntityBase::addDefaultValuesToPublicFields in plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBase.php
Add default values to the public fields array.


plugins/restful/RestfulBase.php, line 1472
Contains RestfulBase.


Class \RestfulBase


public static function getResourceLastVersion($resource_name, $major_version = NULL) {
  $resources = array();

  // Get all the resources corresponding to the resource name.
  foreach (restful_get_restful_plugins() as $resource) {
    if ($resource['resource'] != $resource_name || isset($major_version) && $resource['major_version'] != $major_version) {
    $resources[$resource['major_version']][$resource['minor_version']] = $resource;

  // Sort based on the major version.
  ksort($resources, SORT_NUMERIC);

  // Get a list of resources for the latest major version.
  $resources = end($resources);
  if (empty($resources)) {

  // Sort based on the minor version.
  ksort($resources, SORT_NUMERIC);

  // Get the latest resource for the minor version.
  $resource = end($resources);
  return array(