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protected function RestfulAuthenticationToken::extractTokenFromRequest in RESTful 7

Extracting the token from a request by a key name, either dashed or not.


$param_name: The param name to check.

array $request: The current request.

Return value

string The token from the request or FALSE if token isn't exists.

2 calls to RestfulAuthenticationToken::extractTokenFromRequest()
RestfulAuthenticationToken::applies in modules/restful_token_auth/plugins/authentication/RestfulAuthenticationToken.class.php
Determines if the request can be checked for authentication. For example, when authenticating with HTTP header, return FALSE if the header values do not exist.
RestfulAuthenticationToken::authenticate in modules/restful_token_auth/plugins/authentication/RestfulAuthenticationToken.class.php
Authenticate the request by trying to match a user.


modules/restful_token_auth/plugins/authentication/RestfulAuthenticationToken.class.php, line 20
Contains RestfulAuthenticationToken.


@file Contains RestfulAuthenticationToken.


protected function extractTokenFromRequest(array $request = array(), $param_name) {
  $key_name = !empty($param_name) ? $param_name : 'access_token';
  $dashed_key_name = str_replace('_', '-', $key_name);

  // Access token may be on the request, or in the headers
  // (may be a with dash instead of underscore).
  if (!empty($request['__application'][$key_name])) {
    return $request['__application'][$key_name];
  elseif (!empty($request[$key_name])) {
    return $request[$key_name];
  elseif (!empty($request['__application'][$dashed_key_name])) {
    return $request['__application'][$dashed_key_name];
  elseif (!empty($request[$dashed_key_name])) {
    return $request[$dashed_key_name];

  // Access token with that key name isn't exists.
  return FALSE;