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rest_views.module in REST Views 2.0.x

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  1. 8 rest_views.module

Provides a new Views Field plugin for all entity fields.


View source

 * @file
 * Provides a new Views Field plugin for all entity fields.
use Drupal\Core\Extension\MissingDependencyException;

 * Implements hook_views_data_alter().
function rest_views_views_data_alter(array &$data) {
  foreach ($data as $table_alias => $fields) {

    /** @var array[] $fields */
    foreach ($fields as $field_alias => $field) {

      // Find all handlers that use the core Field plugin.
      if (isset($field['field']['id']) && $field['field']['id'] === 'field') {

        // Add a second handler that uses the Rest Field plugin.
        if (isset($field['title'])) {
          $field['title'] = t('@field (serializable)', [
            '@field' => $field['title'],
        $field['field']['id'] = 'field_export';

        // Only expose the field handler as the others are redundant.
        unset($field['argument'], $field['filter'], $field['sort']);
        $data[$table_alias]["{$field_alias}_export"] = $field;

 * Implements hook_modules_installed().
function rest_views_modules_installed($modules) {

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleExtensionList $availableModules */
  $availableModules = Drupal::service('extension.list.module');

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface $installedModules */
  $installedModules = Drupal::service('module_handler');

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleInstallerInterface $moduleInstaller */
  $moduleInstaller = Drupal::service('module_installer');
  $to_install = [];
  $reasons = [];

  // Check all modules in the REST Views package.
  foreach ($availableModules
    ->getAllAvailableInfo() as $name => $info) {
    if ($info['package'] === 'REST Views' && $name !== 'rest_views') {
      $install = FALSE;
      $dependency_names = [];

      // Check if all dependencies are installed, and one of them just now.
      foreach ($info['dependencies'] as $dependency) {
        $dependency = explode(' ', $dependency)[0];
        if (!$installedModules
          ->moduleExists($dependency)) {
          $install = FALSE;
        if (in_array($dependency, $modules, TRUE)) {
          $install = TRUE;
        if ($dependency !== 'rest_views') {
          $dependency_names[] = $installedModules
      if ($install) {
        $to_install[$name] = $availableModules
        $reasons[] = implode(', ', $dependency_names);
    if ($to_install) {
      try {
          ->addStatus(t('REST Views automatically installed @modules to support @dependencies.', [
          '@modules' => implode(', ', $to_install),
          '@dependencies' => implode(', ', $reasons),
      } catch (MissingDependencyException $e) {

        // Don't do anything on failure.