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public function FilterResponsiveWrappers::process in Responsive wrappers 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.0.x src/Plugin/Filter/FilterResponsiveWrappers.php \Drupal\responsivewrappers\Plugin\Filter\FilterResponsiveWrappers::process()

Implements filter processor.

Overrides FilterInterface::process


src/Plugin/Filter/FilterResponsiveWrappers.php, line 25


Check the content and add responsive classes and wrappers.




public function process($text, $langcode) {
  $result = new FilterProcessResult($text);
  if ($this->settings['responsive_iframe'] || $this->settings['responsive_table'] || $this->settings['responsive_image']) {

    // Module base config.
    $config = \Drupal::config('responsivewrappers.settings');
    $dom = Html::load($text);

    // Responsive video wrapper.
    if ($this->settings['responsive_iframe']) {
      $iframes = $dom
      $video_pattern = $this->settings['responsive_iframe_pattern'];
      foreach ($iframes as $iframe) {

        // Video detection pattern.
        $iframe_src = $iframe
        if (preg_match($video_pattern, $iframe_src)) {

          // Video wrapper.
          $video_wrapper_class = $iframe->parentNode->tagName === 'div' ? $iframe->parentNode
            ->getAttribute('class') : '';

          // If exists, replace video-embed-field functionality.
          if (strpos($video_wrapper_class, 'video-embed-field-responsive-video') !== FALSE) {
            $video_wrapper_class = str_replace('video-embed-field-responsive-video', 'embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9', $video_wrapper_class);
              ->setAttribute('class', $video_wrapper_class);
          elseif (strpos($video_wrapper_class, 'embed-responsive') === FALSE) {

            // If not exists create the wrapper.
            $video_wrapper = $dom
              ->setAttribute('class', 'embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9');
            $iframe = $iframe->parentNode
              ->replaceChild($video_wrapper, $iframe);

          // Video class.
          $video_class = $iframe
          if (empty($video_class) || !in_array('embed-responsive-item', explode(' ', $video_class))) {
              ->setAttribute('class', trim($video_class . ' embed-responsive-item'));

    // Responsive table wrapper and class.
    if ($this->settings['responsive_table']) {
      $tables = $dom
      foreach ($tables as $table) {

        // Table wrapper.
        $table_wrapper_class = $table->parentNode->tagName === 'div' ? $table->parentNode
          ->getAttribute('class') : '';
        if (strpos($table_wrapper_class, 'table-responsive') === FALSE) {
          $table_wrapper = $dom
            ->setAttribute('class', 'table-responsive');
          $table = $table->parentNode
            ->replaceChild($table_wrapper, $table);

        // Table class.
        $table_class = $table
        if (empty($table_class) || !in_array('table', explode(' ', $table_class))) {
            ->setAttribute('class', trim($table_class . ' table'));

    // Responsive image class.
    if ($this->settings['responsive_image']) {
      $images = $dom
      foreach ($images as $image) {

        // Image class.
        $image_class = $image
        $responsive_class = 4 === $config
          ->get('version') ? 'img-fluid' : 'img-responsive';
        if (strpos($image_class, $responsive_class) === FALSE) {
            ->setAttribute('class', trim($image_class . ' ' . $responsive_class));

    // Attach responsive CSS if needed.
    if ($config
      ->get('add_css')) {
      if (4 === $config
        ->get('version')) {
          'library' => [
      else {
          'library' => [
  return $result;