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public function ResponsivePreviewToolbarTest::testToolbarIntegration in Responsive Theme Preview 8

Tests that the toolbar integration works properly.


tests/src/Functional/ResponsivePreviewToolbarTest.php, line 39


Tests the toolbar integration.




public function testToolbarIntegration() {
  $toolbar_xpath = '//div[@id="toolbar-administration"]/nav[@id="toolbar-bar"]';
  $tab_xpath = '//nav[@id="toolbar-bar"]//div[contains(@class, "toolbar-tab-responsive-preview")]';
  $devices = array_keys($this

  // Anonymous user by default cannot use the preview so the module library
  // and the cache tags and contexts should not be present.

  // Users with 'access toolbar' permission can use the toolbar but cannot use
  // the preview so the module library should not be included but the cache
  // tags and contexts should be present.
  $toolbar_user = $this
    'access toolbar',
    ->elementExists('xpath', $toolbar_xpath);
    ->elementNotExists('xpath', $tab_xpath);

  // Users with 'access responsive preview' permission can use the toolbar
  // and the preview so the module library and the cache tags and contexts
  // should be included.
    ->elementExists('xpath', $toolbar_xpath);
    ->elementExists('xpath', $tab_xpath);

  // Login as user with 'administer responsive preview' permission so you
  // can check the preview behaviour on administrative page. The preview on
  // the admin pages sould not be enabled so the module library should not be
  // included but the cache tags and contexts should be present.
  $admin_user = $this
    'access responsive preview',
    'access toolbar',
    'administer responsive preview',
    ->elementExists('xpath', $toolbar_xpath);
    ->elementNotExists('xpath', $tab_xpath);
    ->elementExists('xpath', $toolbar_xpath);
    ->elementExists('xpath', $tab_xpath);